Chapter 13: A talk with Leo. (Piper sucks?)

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Percy POV:

An alarm goes off, and I wake up. I open my eyes and notice the disturbed blankets. Artemis already woke up.

I stand, stretch, get dressed, and then put my cloak on. I put my mask on and switched its mode to a half mask so I can eat.

I walk downstairs, feed an apple to Carl, give some rats to Maj, and give an orange to Yarn.

I walk outside and notice that the chaos table is now next to the hunters, so I sit down at the dining pavilion, next to Artemis.

Food appears on my plate. Three pancakes with bacon.

"So," Luke says as he sits down across from me. "Did you get my message?"

I reach into my cloak and pull out a messenger device, and look at the message Luke sent.

It's nothing special, just some stuff he told some campers about me. I put the device away and nod to him, and we continue to eat.

I use my right arm and hand for the utensils while I hold Artemis's hand with my left.

I hear whining from Yarn, so I use my third arm to feed him some bacon.

My fourth arm is used to catch Carl from jumping onto the food.

Everyone goes quiet and stares at me, and I freeze as I realize that I accidentally used one of my powers, growing extra limbs.

As well as the fact that Yarn is on my back, happily chewing on bacon while Carl is squirming in my hand, trying to get to the food.

"Ahem, uh, Hope?" A voice says behind me.

I quickly retract my extra limbs, and my companions turn back into armor.

I swivel around and see Leo.

"Hello," I say nonchalantly. "Do you need something?"

"We need to talk. After breakfast," he demands.

I nod to him, and he slumps in relief before heading back to his cabin table, next to Calypso. I'm happy for them.

I finish my meal and kiss Artemis on the cheek before going and finding Leo. I'm going to see an old friend. Yay.

I find him near the Hephaestus cabin, and he says,

"Let's go for a walk."

"If you're planning on killing me, I have to wish you good luck." I say goodheartedly.

He cracks a smile and starts walking while I follow. We walk into the woods and eventually find a clearing. He sighs and sits on a log.

I narrow my eyes as I recognize the scene in front of me. Stupid Octavian future telling powers, making me interested in talking to Leo and not running away from confrontation.

"S-sit down. Please," he says, unnaturally sadly for him.

I nod and sit on a log across from him, and he slumps, looking at the ground.

"Look, Percy, I... I know it's you under that mask," he says.

"And what makes you think that?" I respond.

He cracks a small smile. "That was an interesting megaphone you pulled from your cloak the other day. I made it, and it disappeared a while back."

"So you think because I have an object you made I am Percy?"

He shakes his head. "No. Your underlying disdain for the camp and the people in it, your absolute hate of Jonathan, you trying to offer him a second chance at being a human, and... Riptide."

I nod my head. "I'm surprised you haven't told the other seven."

He laughs sadly. "And what, betray your trust more? Percy, I didn't want to... I didn't mean to..."

"TO WHAT?" I say angrily, switching moods and standing up suddenly.


He flinches and takes the yelling, only crying harder.

"Percy, neither me nor Calypso wanted to -"


Again, he just takes it, but now he's silently sobbing. I quiet down and speak again.

"Leo, I don't want to be here. The only reason I am is because I have to be, and because I can reconnect with Artemis. If you're going to apologize, don't. I don't want to hear it."

I begin to walk away when he says,

"Piper charmspoke me. And Calypso."

I stop in my tracks and turn around.


He gasps and then sobs. "She-she was so angry and wrapped up in her head about you being a traitor, that when Calypso and I tried to refrain from the... torture, she charmspoke us."

"Leo, I swear to Chaos, if this is a joke..."

He shakes his head. "No, Perce, it's - it's not. I've regretted that day for ages, I've wanted to leave with Calypso, but... we have nowhere to go."

I walk up to him, and he looks up at my mask. I take it off and put it into my cloak before pulling him into a tight hug.

"Gods above, living with that must have been so hard, Leo. How have you stayed sane?"

He sobs into the shoulder of my cloak and manages to answer. "Mainly Festus and Claypso. Piper tried to apologize, but... I couldn't accept it. What she did was so wrong, and I... I'm so, so, sorry, dude."

"Hey, Leo, don't worry," I say as he dislodge myself from him. "You said you didn't leave cause you have nowhere to go, right?"

He nods. "Yeah. Camp life is hell because everyone knows I didn't think you were a traitor. My own cabinmates pretty much hate me."

I look at him and decide on something.

Hey Chaos, I mind message.

Huh? Percy, what is it? He replies.

If I wanted to, could I add people to our team? I ask hopefully.

Chaos ponders for a moment and then replies.

If you think they're qualified. Just give them the customary mask, cloak, and codename. Documents and official stuff will be done when you return.

Thanks! Love you Pops!

I return my attention to Leo.

"Uh, you okay, Perce? You've been staring into space for like a minute."

My face breaks into a wide grin, and I look at him again.

"How would you like a place to go?"

I tell him my plan, and his nose catches on fire in excitement and happiness.

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