Chapter 81: Planning. (Information learned!)

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Luke stared at the assembled Olympian gods in surprise. Easily the last thing he had expected from them was their help. Maybe...

He wondered if maybe they had changed more than he realized.

Chiron cleared his throat. "I appreciate the dramatic entrance, Lord Zeus, but do you think you could move somewhere else? We still need to let the grieving... grieve."

"Of course," Hermes said before his father could speak. "Where shall we discuss our plans?"

"The big house won't be big enough," Dionysus stated.

Luke sighed. "Then I guess we have no choice. Assembled gods, head counselors... let's go discuss in the Chaos cabin."


Luke entered the cabin and flicked the light on, brightening the empty space. As people began to flow through the doorway and walk past him, he grabbed the tip of the cloak hanger. While he did that, Hyacinthus hurried up the stairs, but not after kissing Apollo on the cheek and promising to talk later.

He turned it three times counter-clockwise and then pressed down on the top, making a clicking sound. The living room began to rumble, and slowly, objects began to shift.

The couches all lowered into the ground and flipped, becoming parts of the floor. The gaming console and TV slid into a new notch in the wall and disappeared as a large circular table rose in the middle of the room. Small claws descended from the ceiling and placed various colored stools. One bonked into Annabeth, causing her to rub her head and mumble.

Everyone gawked in amazement at the transformation, especially Hephaestus.

"H– how did you..." He said. "That's impressive."

He ran his hand over the clear table as everyone surrounded it. "Is this...?"

"Raclaxian glass," Beckendorf confirmed. "Making the table took a while."

Hephaestus smiled and slammed his fist on the table as hard as he could, his smile growing wider as the table did nothing. He looked at Beckendorf in pride.

"This is amazing."

Beckendorf smiled. "T– thanks, dad."

Silena slipped her hand into his and squeezed it softly.

"Now that we're here," Zeus said. "I believe the first priority is placing us all on the same page. We need to hear everything that has happened since Artemis left for her quest."

"Where is Hades?" Annabeth asked.

"Really?" Zeus asked. "I literally just--"

"He needs to watch over his domain," Poseidon said. "Unlike me, he doesn't have an heir that can watch over his kingdom. But he will help us in the final fight."

He looked at Nico. "And even if he doesn't... his son will be a much bigger help than in the past."

"What does that mean?" Butch asked, looking at Nico in confusion.

Nico grinned sheepishly. "Uh... nothing?"

"Right. Nothing," Athena said. "You do realize that as gods, we can detect how powerful a being is, right?"

"No," Nico said. "I did not know that."

Athena looked at Will. "You and the Son of Hades. Whatever happens, you are both stronger than you realize."

"Wait, what happened?" Lou Ellen asked.

Clarisse snorted. "They probably joined the strike force."

"Speaking of our children in the force," Hephaestus said. "I didn't sense Leo in the infirmary."

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