Chapter 63: Snippets part 2. (Octavian's training)

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"Dad, come on!" Pallas, who was about 7 at the time, said urgently.

Triton sped up, shuffling after her. "Where did you say she was?"

Pallas continued down the path before stopping and pointing down the mountain.

"She slipped and fell down there. I think she landed in the pond," she said.

Triton nodded. "Go back to the hut," he said before he ran down the mountainside. He crashed through the trees, abandoning the trail, until he spotted the pond.

It was deep and fairly big. Triton leaped and dived directly into it, swimming as far down as he had to. In the bottom was a panicked looking Athena, who was covering her mouth and clutching her throat. Smart girl.

Triton grabbed her and shot out of the water, bursting out of the pond and slamming into the ground. Athena immediately began coughing out water. Triton slapped her back until she was done and took deep breaths of air.

She fell onto her side on the wet grass, tears in her eyes.

"I could have died..." She whispered.

Triton nodded. "You're not a god yet. Remember that. I know it's fun to play, but you have to know your terrain even when you're not fighting."

Athena nodded. "I will. Why... why did you save me? You could have let me drown and then leave with Pallas."

Triton chuckled and lay down next to her, looking into her eyes. "I'm not like Zeus. I'm not selfish, I can keep it in my pants, and I really, truly love those I love. Which includes you."

Athena began to cry. He reached out and grabbed her, pulling her in close for a hug.

"Th-thank you for saving me," She stammered out. "And thank for loving me."

Triton smiled and tightened the hug. "I will always save you. Even if I must give my life."
Achilles was drunk. Patroclus would have been on his case if he wasn't also in the same state.

They leaned on each other and laughed. "Gods, I hated Agamememnon so much," Achilles said, lifting his drink and taking a swig.

Across the table, Hector burst into laughter. "Gods yea- hic -yeah, that guy sucked!"

"Should we intervene?" Michael whispered to Percy, who laughed.

"Nah," he said. "This is better than them trying to bash their brains out, y'know?"

"Why did we even bring them?" Zoe asked as the two in question began to sing with their longtime rival.

Bellerophon shrugged. "Who knows. Percy made the choice."

Bianca crossed her arms and laughed. "I mean, I guess it's progress?"

Luke sighed. "Yeah, it is, but I feel it would have been better to not bring them and avoid possible confrontation."

Percy grinned. "Probably. But that would have been less fun."

"Uuuuuuugh," Keto groaned, looking up from the crab in her hand. "When will we be done?"

Percy spread his arms out. "C'mon, Keto! As a representative of a primordial, one of your jobs is to sit outside in the waiting room while they have their meeting!"

She pointed a finger at him. "Then why are you here? Aren't you a primordial?"

"I'm here to keep people from killing each other," Percy answered. "I've already been informed of everything, and Chaos will tell me what happened after, considering also technically his representative."

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