Chapter 27: Life's precious moments (Oh great, visions.)

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Excerpt from Percy's journal:

I sent the team off today on their final mission. It hurt.

I congratulated them on completing their third task and told them it was the last. We had partied, but then I had to start.

I discreetly blew up a side of the building. They did their best to fix it, but they couldn't do much.

As they building fell, they were all teleported to separate planets, with different missions, depending on the person.
Excerpt from Percy's journal:

I went to Montauk today to mourn. I said hello to their graves, and I played them a song.

It hurt, but it was important for me. With other news of important things, Castor returned today. First man back from his mission. He did well.

I started listening to a song. It's called Mary on a Cross. It's quite popular.

I tried to put my hair back in a bun. It didn't work, and I don't think She would like the hairdo.
Excerpt from Percy's journal:

I didn't expect there to be so much hostility in the team. Lots of them hate Luke, and even after I explained the situation, they still don't trust him.

Zoe is the worst, constantly threatening him. The others are mostly uncomfortable, but Bianca is actually quite shy.

I probably forgot to mention, but something happened with their ages in the Underworld. Apparently, when you leave the Underworld after returning from life, you become a set age. 18, 24, 37, and 49 are options.

The ancient heroes were the only ones to choose not to be 18. Instead. They decided to be 24.

Orion has been trying to teach me how to fire a bow. It was uncomfortable.
Excerpt from Percy's journal:

Luke got back from his mission today. He was beat up, and his arm was trapped in a makeshift cast he had created with his shirt.

He's currently resting in the infirmary, and Hyacinthus is attending to his injuries.

Patroclus would be there to help, but he's still shut in his room waiting for Achilles to get back and trying to get rid of his migraine.

Theseus is outside, grilling burgers with Lee. They're close, it's good.

I'm writing this on a patio, in a pool chair, and just writing down what's happening.

Moments like this make me think that everything will get better, that I'll get better.
Excerpt from Percy's journal:

We were so close. Me and Luke survived, but... all we did was destroy the ship.

This isn't the first time I have written about this, and it won't be the last.

I was just... so close! She was right there, and Erebus just took her. Were the sacrifices for nothing?

No, they were for something. I know that my sister is alive, somewhere, and I destroyed supplies heading to Tartarus.

And yet... I still cry.
Orpheus got back from his mission today. His Lyre only had one string left, and Eurydice slapped the sh1t out of me.

I deserved it, to be honest. In other news, I blew up another planet!

Yeah, not my greatest accomplishment... but it had no life on it.
Zoe finally asked Luke and Bianca out on a date. Thank Chaos, now they'll stop avoiding each other, and we can finally all be a team again.

Bellerophon and I definitely didn't rig their date spot to shoot confetti all over the place, and Hyacinthus definitely didn't make it so that the confetti would follow them for the next three days.

I tried to re-create Carters giant chicken man thingy today. I failed.

I landed on my butt, I fell face forward, and I somehow ended up teleporting a chicken from Earth halfway across the universe.

Gaea was very confused when I asked her to teleport it back.
We went to DisneyWorld last week. We all figured we needed a break and decided that it was far away enough from both camps to not be recognized.

Still though, I saw Jason, who I was tempted to punch directly into the castle, and Piper, who Luke had to stop me from throat punching.

Thankfully, they didn't see us.

The older Heroes were amazed by the place. It was their first time in an amusement park, so that made sense.

I think I'm gonna have to start a movie night with my team.
I just incinerated a Pheonix. THE Pheonix. Alvax, the undying Pheonix, the one creature known to have the ability to never die, is now dead.

From incineration.

I was sent to stop him, as he was planning on committing really advanced arson. Basically, he was going to burn down an entire planet.

So, I went to his cave, tried to fight him, was blasted by the hottest fire I've ever felt in my life, and then blacked out.

When I was unconscious, I saw... some interesting things.

I saw Her - oh, screw it. I saw Artemis slowly floating down from the sky on her back, the beautiful gold aftershocks of an explosion above her.

I saw Octavian desperately laughing and clawing his face, half of his body completely black.

I saw Frank yelling at Hazel, tears streaming down his face.

And I saw Hyacinthus, held by Apollo, spinning in the Olympian throne room.

I woke up and saw the Pheonix above me, ready to eat me. My vision flashed red as I stood up, and I extended my hands, my vision deteriorating rapidly.

Black fire shot from my hands on burnt everything in the cave, including the rock.

Alvax shrieked and thrashed, but the fire burnt him as well. My eyes finally cleared, and all that was left was the melted rock of a cave and a simple note, on top of a pile of ashes.

The note simply read, "Well done. I don't know how you did it, but you finally freed me from my torment. Thank you."

I never learned who the note was from, as it crumbled to dust the moment I left the planet.
Achilles, the final person who needed to return, finally came back from his mission. He was shaken and bleeding, something that shouldn't have been possible, considered he can only be harmed by his team members.

Patroclus hasn't left his side since, although that's not new. They're good together, and Patroclus is able to calm Achilles down when he has a panic attack.

Now, all we need is for Zoe to stop hating Luke, and we'll be a fully fledged team.
I handed my team their honorary cloaks and masks today, showing them that they succeeded. Together, we are Chaos's strike force.

-Chaos, we need a better name.

I'll work on it.
(A/N! This chapter jumps around the timeline of events a lot, so please don't place every excerpt one after the other. I wanted to write a simple chapter about different experiences Percy's had throughout 80-ish years of working for Chaos, so here you go! Oh, and visons of the future, because those are fun to write. Also DisneyWorld!)

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