Chapter 46: Who is...? (A spot for rest)

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Zoe shook her head, free of her mask, getting rid of the memory. Her and the Hunters had traveled quite a distance and had set up camp for the night.

The night was calm, and the day was even better. But, now, sitting in the middle of the camp, she realized something.

She walked over to Artemis's tent and knocked. Voices inside stopped, and she spoke.

"Lady Artemis, I have a question," Zoe said.

Artemis's voice rang out from the tent. "Come on in Zoe."

She brushed aside the barrier and walked in. Artemis and Thalia sat on the ground as if they had been discussing something.

"What is your question, Zoe?" Artemis asked.

"Well, we've been traveling for about a day, but we don't... have instructions on where to go? Where are we traveling to?" She asked.

Artemis and Thalia shared a look before turning back to Zoe. "We are heading to an informant," Artemis said.

"An informant, on Earth, knows enough about this war and primordials for us to ask for instructions for our quest?" Zoe asked, not quite believing Artemis.

Thalia snorted. "Please. He knows way, way more than you think."

Zoe raised an eyebrow. "He?"

"Yes, a He," Artemis confirmed.

"Who is he?" Zoe asked.

Artemis looked Zoe in the eyes. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Yes?" Zoe said, confused.

Artemis shook her head. "I mean a secret from everybody. You can not tell anybody. Even Percy, or your... Luke and Zoe."

Zoe looked confused. "Why? What is so important that I can't -"

"Just answer, " Artemis interrupted. "Can you keep a secret?"

Zoe thought for a few moments and decided.

"Of course," She said with a nod.

Artemis smiled and stood up with Thalia. "Good."

They all walked out of the tent, and Artemis whistled to get everybody's attention.

"Alright, everybody," She said when she saw everyone was listening. "We're going to our informant!"

Cheers rose up from around the camp as the Hunters immediately started packing up.

Zoe heard a few cries of "Burgers!" and "Steaks!" amongst the crowd of bustling hunters.

"Wait. We're packing up now?" Zoe asked, confused.

Pheobe walked past her. "Duh. We don't want to be late for dinner."

In about five minutes, the camp was completely packed up, and the Hunters sped off. Zoe ran in the back, next to Thalia, who, like all the other hunters, looked excited.

"Who is this informant?" Zoe asked her, thoroughly confused. Thalia laughed.

"Oh, you know him. But, uh, his identity and his living quarters are the secret you have to keep," She responded.

Zoe ran through her head a list of males that the hunters would all be this excited to see and drew blanks. Well, other than Percy. But he was back at camp. So who was it? [A/N: Place your bets. You're probably wrong.]

They continued to run for a while, passing beautiful forests, waterfalls, and rocky terrain.

Zoe breathed in a deep breath of air, smiling. As much as she loved her place in Chaos's team, she missed this. Running with her sisters, quickly passing by beautiful views and hunting monsters.

Her moments between her death and revival came back to her as she ran.

Her introduction into Ouranus's court, her face-off with Orion and his fall to the underworld, Percy finding her and telling her of what happened before giving her the opportunity to live again, her many, many arguments with Luke, her tunnel of love ride with her now boyfriend and girlfriend, and her terror of seeing her leader puppet one of her team members.

The hunters in front of her slowed down drastically, almost making her crash into them. Luckily, Thalia grabbed her and pulled her back, saving both her and some other hunters from a tumble.

They continued to slow down until they stopped in a clearing.

Zoe inspected the area. They were deep in the woods, and the clearing was almost completely surrounded by big trees, hiding it from view.

She leaned over to Thalia. "Why did we stop?" She whispered.

Thalia laughed and lightly punched her shoulder. "Be patient. You'll see."

Artemis, in the front, turned around and did a head count, making sure all her hunters were there. She turned back around and pulled a small coin from seemingly nowhere.

It was a variety of colors and had a door on one side and empty robes on the other. She flipped it into the air, and it dissolved before it hit the ground.

"Cabin man, hear us, please lend us your almighty wisdom," She said with a smirk.

A big, red cabin popped into existence in the middle of the clearing and landed on the ground with a thump!

Zoe stared, shocked. What had just happened? The door to the cabin opened, and a man walked out of it, annoyed.

"Oi Artemis!" He yelled, shaking his fist. "Don't call me almighty! You know it bugs me!"

She very calmly raised a middle finger. "I'm a goddess. I'll do what I want."

"I'm a goddess, I can do medda meh meh meh," he said in a high-pitched patronizing tone. "Do you want food or no?"

She instantly put her hand down. "Yes. Me and the hunters."

He nodded. "So the usual. Alright, come on in," he said as he waved his hand, inviting them in and walking in himself.

The hunters walked towards the door, and Thalia pushed a very confused Zoe forward. "Don't worry, it'll make sense eventually."

She nodded and walked through the door, instantly noticing two things.

1. The cabin smelled delicious.

2. In the corner is a battered and bloody cage, big enough to fit a wolf, or a very scrunched up human.

Her body almost went on full alert, but she noticed how the Hunters had casually sat down in the living room. Heck, a console had already been booted up, and now some hunters were just deciding what game to play.

The cabin was only two rooms. A big kitchen and a big living room, only separated by a line in the floor. The only walls and doors were those on the outside. The kitchen was fully furnished, and the man was whistling, drying a dish with his back turned.

Many of the hunters were sitting at the counter, speaking casually, including Artemis. Thalia had joined in on the console discussion, sitting on the massive couch in the living room.

Zoe unsteadily shut the door behind her and sat down at the counter, extremely confused.

She cleared her throat. "Uh, b- sir?"

She decided to play it safe. She didn't want to get kicked out of the cabin by accidentally insulting the man.

He groaned and lifted his head to the sky. "You guys know not to call me sir, or anything like that."

He turned around to look at her. "I don't like formal -"

He froze as his eyes landed on Zoe's face, and she did the same.

She was staring... directly at Percy Jackson.

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