Chapter 32: ANOTHER PROPHECY! (Tired of these)

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Excerpts from Percy's journal:

Icarus got back from his mission today. I'm not sure exactly what happened. All I know is that he's no longer afraid of the sun.

Him and Bellerophon are officially in that phase where they don't know they're going to date, but everyone else does.

Gaea visits every so often to check on Bellerophon and to help teach him his "Earth" powers, which is really just rock and metal manipulation.

And to teach him how to use his new firearms, which are all gifts from her. How nice.

Gaea, we live nowhere near America, c'mon.
Maj disappeared today. I was terrified for the majority of the day and was constantly worrying about her well-being.

Only to learn that she convinced Gaea to bring her to Erath so she could meet Jormungandr.

Apparently, they're compatible, which is somehow enlightening, terrifying, and hope (hey it's me) inducing at the same time.

I mean, it's amazing because she's the last of her kind, so it gives her species a way to survive past her. But also...

The idea of a race of massive, poisonous, magic snakes that can heal people or turn them to stone is slightly terrifying.

So... tl:dr, Maj disappeared, did something that's slightly terrifying, and is now even more magically bound to me, because I was worried out of my mind the whole time she was gone.
I'm sick, so Luke is taking over for the next mission. It's not much, just a simple in and out assassination. It should be fine.

My team members randomly do stuff, though, so that's fun.

Patroclus gave me some chicken noodle soup, which was nice. Orpheus played music outside the door for a couple of hours while Bellerophon was very purposely and very badly drumming along to the beat.

Bianca shadow traveled into my room wearing a gas mask and stuck a sticky note to my face, that very specifically read, and I quote, "Oh you're sick? Well, I'm sick of your gas!"

I stared at the note for like 10 minutes before realizing that she just took a random sticky note from a bin of sticky notes we have.

It's a weird box that we put sticky notes into, and then the box puts random things on the notes.

I don't know why Chaos created it, nor do I know why he put it on his desk. All I know is that it is there.

Zoe snuck into my room invisibly and decided to simply move my stuff around.

And finally... Ethan played Monopoly with me. He won.
I swear this upon the river Styx. Should I fail, let my voice be taken.

That oath still rings through my head sometimes, bouncing around, taunting me.

The biggest loose string.

Anyway. Eurydice got back from her mission yesterday. She slapped the sh1t out of me, which was fair.

From what I could gather, she had to relive Orpheus's trip to the underworld and simply find a way for him to not turn around. She restarted at least 50 times.

Not fun.
I fought a bear yesterday, and almost lost. Not because of the bear itself, no, it was easy. But because of the memories.

Bad, bad memories flashed through my brain when I was fighting it. Only today did I learn that the bear was specifically enchanted to inflict its enemies/prey with their worst memories.

Flashes of bear claws shredding my chest, a knife plunging into my lungs, plants growing out of my body, healing it...

Those and so many others populated my head until I killed the bear.
So believe it or not, my strike team was originally meant to be bigger.

There's a lot of ancient Greek heroes. Like, I wanted Hector, from the Iliad? But he's already Eros's main commander.

I wanted Herakles, but he's a god. That's a joke. Everyone on the team hates him.

In honesty, Diomedes would be cool, but he went for rebirth a long time ago.

Paris was a maybe, but he's actually a punching dummy in Hades' official court, so it would be REALLY noticeable if he went missing.

Achilles had a child, but from both what Achilles and Patroclus said, he was an arrogant, unintended brat, who kinda sucked. [A/N: Read The Song of Achilles.]

So he was taken off the list. Damasen and Bob were there, but they're still missing.

I miss them.
I recently learned that the Drachma is one of the worst currencies in the galaxy, and Chaos just thought that it would be funny to have that be the Greeks main currency.

I've noticed the difference in Chaos. There's my dad Chaos, an extremely powerful joker who gives us missions and let's us live in his massive castle, but then there's... Eldritch Chaos.

A massive, shapeless being who's voice sounds like planets colliding. He's so big that if you brush up against a hair of his consciousness, you see the entirety of the Milky Way. I don't see Eldritch Chaos often.

All the primordials have something like that, but the only one that even comes close to his is Ananke's, but that's because of... very specific reasons that are classified, only the Fates and Chaos truly know why.

Of course, there's still two specific beings who's aura is... off the charts, but they seem to just slip in and out of reality.

And they are also classified, so I don't know Jack Squat about them.
I've had about enough of prophecies. And visions. I'm also counting visions. Seriously, I just got a prophecy from a random bird.

I mean, it doesn't happen often, but... Chaos literally told me a new prophecy like five days ago.

The prophecy from the bird went like this.

A machine creating the anomaly
Future-telling not working properly
The decimated station
Is the machines destination
The hearth's jar
Will let Hope reach far
The broken pot
Allows the pit to begin it's rot

Like what? I don't know what- okay, I do know what some of the lines mean.

I need Pandora's Pithos back, and I need to break it at some point, I think?

But I don't know anything about a machine. Maybe I'll ask Beckendorf.

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