Chapter 64: Estelle's arm! (It will be so goofy you guys don't even know)

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"Alright," Keto said, pushing the group out of the door. "It's time for you all to leave."

The Hunters all funneled out of the building, not quite looking forward to their next task.

Keto smiled at them. "And say hi to Percy for me, will you?"

Thalia nodded. "I will. Thanks for letting us stay the night."

Keto chuckled. "Thanks for letting me make breakfast for you. I haven't cooked squid eggs in a long, long time."

Some of the hunters turned green, only now realizing what they had eaten.

Keto looked at Artemis. "Remember what Thalassa told you. Be safe."

She closed the door. Artemis turned to her hunt, taking a deep breath.

"Alright. You all know the plan. Go back to camp, warn them, and tell Percy what happened."

The hunters all nodded. "Yes, M'Lady," they said.

"Good luck. Be careful, okay?" Artemis said.

They nodded and set off, walking down the streets of Idaho Falls. Artemis watched them leave with a faint smile. When they fell out of eyeshot, she turned to her two companions. "Let's go."

And they set off. They walked through the streets, trying to find the nearest forest to start running.

"Well, while we have time," Zoe said. "What friends was Thalassa talking about?"

Estelle fiddled with her fingers. "I- after that day on the ship, four ghosts came to me. They said they were tethered to me, and since then, they've been my friends. I thought only I could see them."

"What're their names?" Zoe asked.

"Um," Estelle said. "They just have me call them by their codenames."

"And what are those?" Zoe asked.

"Arrows, Clubber, Heatwave, and Gemivine," Estelle said nervously.

Zoe stared at her with wide eyes for a second before letting her face fall into her hands.

"I can't believe I didn't go back to camp," she groaned.

Artemis patted her on the back. "Thalassa said Percy will bring them back once we return."

Zoe looked up at her. "How do you - oh, yeah, Percy told you, like, everything."

Artemis nodded. "Yes. Now."

She turned to Estelle. "Do you know who they actually are?"

Estelle nodded. "Y-yeah. They're a part of the strike force, right?"

"Yeah," Zoe said, straightening back up. "And they were good members. Chaos said they were dead... did he lie to us?"

"Well, they are dead," Estelle said. "They're ghosts, remember?"

"Lying by omission is still lying," Zoe said, grinding her teeth. "Chaos, I really need to contact Percy."

"Why can't you just telepathically communicate?" Artemis asked.

"We're fighting Primordials," Zoe said. "The moment I try to contact him long range, they will seize the communication and do who knows what."

"Iris message?" Estelle suggested.

Zoe opened her mouth and then froze. "Oh Jesus, how did I- how did I forget about those!"

She reached into her cloak and pulled out a coin and a spray bottle. She began to spray and flicked the coin.

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