Chapter 35: The last two. (Evolution.)

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Excerpt from Percy's journal:

Well, here we are. The final two primordials. At least, that I'm going to write about. Where do I begin with Chronos and Eros? Let's see.

Eros is primordial of love. He was one of the first primordials, and he hides it well. Generally, he's well mannered, but if someone insults his loved ones, he goes off on them.

Something I should explain: Eros the Primordial is different from Eros the god.

One is a Primordial who's lived millenia and is a karmic justice system of any kind of love throughout space, while the other is a god son of Aphrodite who's sometimes an a$$hole.

They're very different. Eros (the primordial) is currently dating his lieutenant, Hector of Troy. The dude from the Iliad.

Yeah... anytime my team visits Eros there's a 50/50 chance of Achilles, Patroclus, and Hector getting drunk and singing together, or Hector trying to escape from the two while they try to bash his brains out.

Fun times for all. Eros, as cliche as it is, freaking loves cabbage. (Bet you thought I was gonna say chocolate.)

While yes, he loves chocolate, he actually likes cabbage more, which is always strange because it's in like everything he makes. He's just lucky that Hector also likes cabbage. Now, if you've read the Iliad, you might wonder what happened to Hectors wife and child?

They went to rebirth, and he moved on. Simple as that.

Now, on to Chronos. He is interesting, to say the least. He's almost always over five minutes early, he's enamored with everything, and he hates sand.

"Oh, wow, he's Anakin-" No. Don't say that. My brother is not Anakin Skywalker. (Even though he quotes Star Wars all the time.)

Why does he hate sand? I don't know. Maybe I learn in a different life.

As far as I can tell, he's never been in a relationship, which is sad. However, take that with a grain of salt because I have NO idea what he does in his downtime.

He is really, really, really fond of music. The same way my other siblings are fond of particular foods, like Gaea and cookies.

Why does he not have a favorite food? It's simple!

His face is a clock. Straight up, a big circle with minute and hour hands inside of it, always pointing at the correct time, depending on which time zone he's in.

So Luke, if you're reading this at my funeral, and everyone is staring at Chronos... well, first, I don't know why they would stare at Chronos when Gaea will also be there, probably trying to talk to Leo.

But anyway! Just tell them that he's chill, and that he might try to play checkers with them. He really likes checkers.
Excerpt from Percy's journal:

I recently learned something. As it turns out, I do not have my symbol of power yet, because

A. Pandora's pithos (Jar, whatever) is still with Hestia, and

B. My other symbol of power is a flower thats is still on Earth.

But not just any flower. Nope, this flower is a one of a kind. A flower borne from the blood of a child of Poseidon. A flower formed from my blood.

Great. So, a bit of context on why this is important: each primordial went through a form of "evolution" once they claimed their item or symbol of power.

I have not gone through that yet. So I am not even technically a full primordial yet, I'm just like... 6/7ths primordial, or something. And that last 1/7th of my primordial self is like 40% of my total power.

Chaos told me that if I ever return to Earth, I need to get the flower, and EAT IT.

Straight to my face, too. "Percy, my child-by-technicality, when you return to the place you never want to return to, eat the very thing that came from the pain and suffering that made you leave in the first place..."

He didn't actually say that. But he might as well have!

A primordials evolution works like this: they take their symbol of power, their body starts to freaking explode, they become... "cranky" for a small bit, and then they usually pass out.

But according to Chaos, I'm not normal, which means I'll have to be knocked out by someone or something else.

Maybe I'll just drop from the sky, get it over with in a fun way.
Excerpt from Percy's journal:

I can still feel the shard in my gut sometimes. It doesn't hurt me nearly as much as it did, and it's not slowly poisoning me, so that a plus.

But it's still a reminder. Be careful who you trust. You never know, they might just end up being terrible.

I have nightmares occasionally. Usually I wake up in a fright, but last night, the nightmare was different. I slept through the whole thing.

It started as normal. I was in the woods, being... tortured. But then, I flew away. I just rose off the ground and flew away, arms and legs dangling.

And then I was in the ship, crying, and running away, away from the people who sacrificed their lives for me, with my sister clutched in my arms.

And then she disappeared.

And I woke up.
Excerpt from Percy's journal:

I went on a mission with Red and Pirate- Achilles and Ethan yesterday.

I've been falling into the habit of calling my friends by their codenames, not their real ones. I need to get over that.

But yeah. The mission went well. It was simple, just destroy this massive building that symbolizes... really bad stuff that I'd rather not talk about.

I've been thinking of the future recently and realized that... I just left Her behind.

I left Her on Earth, a place I don't plan to return, but I can't think of my future without her in it.

However, I do have a plan. If I ever return to Earth and actually meet her, then I'll give her an offer.

Her, Apollo, and the Hunters can come with us, and the team can expand.

If she doesn't take it then... I guess that would have to be my real goodbye.

But... she'll take the offer. I'm sure she will.


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