Chapter 71: The Safe House. (Screw you, Erebus)

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A/N: There's some gorey ish stuff in this chapter, be warned.
"No way," Artemis murmured. "This is it?"

Estelle nodded. "Yep."

They stood outside of a massive black building, built right on the edge of the lake. Their journey had been almost completely calm, save for a stray monster here and there. Which, normally, would be reassuring, but with the context of a coming battle... it was the opposite.

Zoe turned the map around in her hands. "No. No way it's this. It's way too obvious. It's- it's so big!"

Estelle shrugged. "He's just like that."

Artemis shook her head. "Males," she muttered under her breath.

Zoe shot her a smug look. "What about them?"

Artemis gagged. "They're so weird sometimes."

"Sometimes," Zoe admitted. "But that makes them interesting."

"Sure," Artemis said, waving her off. "So what's the plan?"

Estelle walked through the double doors, holding them open.

"This way."

Zoe put the map down. "It can't be that easy."

"Of course not," Estelle said. "But just relish it while it lasts."

With a shake of her head, Zoe walked through the doors, Artemis right behind her. Estelle followed, letting the doors close. The room seemed to be a reception office with a dusty secretary desk and chairs, very clearly having not been used in ages. Behind the reception desk was a very important looking door, the only one in the room. Everything was black, even the roof and walls.

"You ready?" Zoe asked.

Artemis shook her head and looked back, only to see the double doors they had entered from were gone.

"Great," she muttered.

"What?" Estelle asked.

"It's nothing," Artemis said with a shake of her head. "Let's go."

They crossed the desk and walked through the door, entering a small, empty room. Looking around in confusion, they jumped when the door slammed shut behind them. Estelle turned to look at it. The room began to creak and groan, filling with the sounds of whirring and gears. The walls began to advance inward, shrinking the room.

Estelle rushed to the door and pulled on the handle as hard as she could. It didn't budge.She pushed against it, slowly scraping towards her companions, who were both trying to stab the walls.

Erebus's laughter began to ring through the room.

"Oh, come on!" He said. "That couldn't have been less of an obvious trap!"

Estelle froze. "Y-you're here?"

"Of course I am!" Erebus boomed. "Did you really think I would leave my brother undefended? You really are idiots."

The trio was bunched together now, trying their best to push against the walls.

"Well, as much as I would love to play with you three," Erebus said. "I think -"

"GET READY!" Artemis yelled.

"Wait what-" Erebus began to say before a giant explosion of silver rocked the room. The walls blew apart, and the floor beneath them cracked.

"Oh, for Chaos's sake," Erebus said. "Fine. Have fun, you three."

The cracks on the ground spread further, and then... the floor broke.

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