Chapter 21: Godsdammit, Gaea! (You can't just drop bombs like that!)

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I look at the ball, knowing full well what's in it. I rush forward and drop the mic.

Orpheus and Hyacinthus put their instruments back into their cloaks and stand next to me.

The crowd is quiet as the ball unfurls, revealing Icarus, clutching tightly to Bellerophon.

Who has no cloak or mask. I groan and facepalm.

"Really, Wings? What happened to your cloak?" I ask, exasperated.

"In my defense, they were in the process of blowing up a building," he retorts. "That's also why I didn't get Red."

Orpheus laughs. "What an excuse. How is Ghost?"

Bellerophon laughs and stands up, extending a hand to Icarus.

"Good. She misses you and your music, though."

Icarus nods. "She wouldn't stop asking if she could leave as well. Where's the Poly trio?"

Hyacinthus laughs. "Making out in our cabin, probably."

Everyone laughs, and Leo clears his throat at the front of the crowd.

"Heya, Hope, mind introducing us?" He asks.

I grin under my mask. "Of course."

I gesture to Icarus. "This... is Icarus, or Wings."

Annabeth sucks in a breath, also at the front of the crowd.

"Aren't you like twelve?" She asks.

Icarus laughs. "Everyone asks me that. Aging in the Underworld is weird. Let's leave it at that."

Annabeth nods, and Frank speaks next.

"Who's the other one?"

Bellerophon laughs. "My codename is Seashell."

He looks over the crowd, and his gaze settles on Reyna.

"Woah, hey, another horse friend!"

Reyna looks confused, and Bellerophon starts to step off the stage to speak up close to her.

Me and my team rush forward, trying to stop him from stepping off the stage.

The crowd gives him a wide berth as he steps onto the ground. I wince as his foot touches the earth.

The ground rumbles, and everyone looks at each other.

A figure appears out of the Earth, and Bellerophon curses under his breath.

"Hi, Mom," he says weakly. The crowd gasps.

"DON'T 'HI MOM' ME!" Gaea yells before quieting. "You go on a mission to a completely different planet, and you refuse to tell your mother?"

"Mom, this isn't the best -"

"I know that! But just because everyone in this camp hates me doesn't protect you from a harsh grounding, mister!"

Bellerophon's face pales under his mask, and he raises his hands in a pleading gesture.

"C'mon, mom, I-"

"You are to train your brother in his powers the best you can, no matter how much he hates it. Understand?"

Bellerophon gives a sigh of relief before cursing, realizing that she was talking about Leo.

"What was that?" Gaea asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Uh, nothing, Mom."

She harrumphs. "Good."

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