5.6K 73 21

Highgarden 298 AC.


Ghost had woken her from a nap and was dragging at her hand, pulling her with him and she worried something had happened to Jae but the wolf made it clear that it had not. Instead, he wished for her to follow him, so she did as he bid and very soon it became clear why. How they had gotten into the keep she didn't know nor who she could trust. That her own guards moved with her and that Ghost seemed comfortable with them was the only reason she was.

They turned a corner and found themselves face to face with more of their men, her guards moving to them only for Ghost to snarl. She tried to call them back but it didn't work and she watched in horror as they were taken down by the others. The three men who'd done so then moved toward her, one of them smiling at her and filling her heart with dread, only for Ghost to move as swiftly as she'd ever seen him. She felt no concern or regret at the loss of the three men's lives, Ghost dispatching them as if they were nothing only giving her relief.

The wolf bid her follow and she knew better than not to, on and on they moved, through hallways, ducking into rooms, Margaery wondering how Ghost seemed to know where was safe and where wasn't. Finally, it seemed her luck ran out, they were trapped, and ahead of them stood five men. Where she got the strength from she didn't know, only that she was a queen, Jae's queen, and she'd not cower from men like these.

When two men moved towards her, Ghost again moved quicker. The wolf taking them down and coming back to her side and Margaery looking down at him Gratefully. Jae had left her the best Kingsguard he could she thought as she stood straighter and watched the men in front of her. When she heard the roar she knew he'd arrived, and then before she knew it she saw him. Ser Arthur and Ser Barristan were standing by his side, and the smile quickly came to her face. That he asked the man to surrender to her only made the smile bigger and then before she knew it she was in his arms, his lips on hers and she felt as safe as she could have wished to be.

"You came?" she asked.

"For you, always." he said and she felt the butterflies in her chest as he looked her over, almost as if he was checking to make sure there was not a mark on her body, the look in his eyes promising retribution to all of her attackers if there was.

"I'm unharmed, Jae, Ghost, he protected me." she said and saw him rub the wolf's head.

"Thank you boy, thank you for everything." Jae said and though she wished to speak to him, she needed to know about her family, about the war, and about the battle outside her home.

"Jae, is it over?" she asked.

"Garlan is accepting the surrender of the Dornish army, Loras and Walder are with him. Sansa is with Fang and Willas, they're unharmed. I can't be certain about the rest of your family, but Ghost will take us to them." he said taking her hand.

He nodded to Ser Arthur and Ser Barristan to move the prisoners and they all followed Ghost down the hall. Quickly stopping at a room where Ghost scratched at the door and when it opened she saw Willas and Sansa, each of them running to their respective sibling. She asked Willas if he was hurt, just to be certain he was not, and smiled when she heard Jae do the same to Sansa.

"The battle is over, Ghost will take us to your family Lord Willas, both you and Sansa should come with us." Jae said, leaving no room for argument.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now