[Midwinter] Nozel Silva BOOK Teaser

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Reader POV (age 28)

It was a silent night when I heard the noise of thunder and rain.

My brother Nacht entered our small camp, annoyance in his blue eyes.

"Those damn Spade idiots are hurting their own people. Again."

"Yeah..." I stared down at the small necklace in my hands that held his ashes.

Nacht frowned. "You aren't thinking of him again, are you?"

I said nothing and he only got more annoyed.

"Stop it. You know it's just classic Nozel and the rest of those nobles." Nacht held out his hand for me to take. "Now come on, we're spies for a reason."

"You're right." I tucked the locket back into my shirt, buttoning up my cloak.

He and I fled out to the storm, traveling through the shadows with the notion of life in the back of our minds.

We were from the Clover Kingdom and siblings of the commoner family of House Faust, assigned by Wizard King Julius Novochrono to spy on the Spade kingdom.

Rain pelted us as we slipped through the shadows, our eyes glowing with power and determination to complete our goal.

Nacht noticed how I was still tense and he grabbed my hand, silently offering his condolences as today was his deathdate.

"Don't worry," he said. "Your son is watching you with pride right now."

I didn't speak nor nod my head.

My son would've been six today.

If it hadn't been for what his father Nozel Silva did to me.

And that secret is what changed me completely and that was the day I swore never to step in the Clover Kingdom ever again.

13 years before present...(age 15)

I watched Nacht training with Yami Sukehiro and the captain of the Gray Deer squad, Julius Novachrono.

"Ne, Nacht?" I ran up to him, holding my grimoire.

He was already 16, already accepted into the magic knights despite being from the commoner family House Faust.

"What is it, (y/n)?" He didn't take his eyes off Yami for a second.

"I was wondering something," I said. "Do you think I should try getting into the Magic Knights?"

"Sure," he said. "But don't expect me to train you or anything."

But he and I both knew he'd do it anyway.

"Ugh, curse Reilo for leaving me to deal with you,"
Nacht grumbled with deep dissatisfaction. "You'd think our older brother would leave us with some way to keep the house, but no. We have to live with the captain. How pathetic."

I grew silent and looked down at my black and silver grimoire that had a three-leaf clover. "I'm sorry he did that."

"Why are you apologizing? That's his issue, not ours." Nacht shook his head and decided to end the match with Yami so he and I could shit-talk Reilo.

He escorted me up to our living quarters in the base, grumbling how he hates the magic knights and captains.

However he respected our captain as he treated us like normal human beings instead of the other squad captains who were just plain rude since we didn't come from nobility.

"We're supposed to go to the funeral anniversary for the former captain of the Silver Eagles," he said. "Why people still mourn is beyond me. She's dead and she's not coming back. Though I can understand their pain since she really wasn't a bad person despite being royalty."

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