Makeup [Captains]

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In which you break up with them on account of something really terrible, but now they have to fix it.

Male captains.

-He's so lost and unsure of what to do.
-When he sees that you're ignoring him, he really begins to realize you were serious
-Yeah he stares at the letter you gave him and just sat there and cried
-Langris himself confronted you about as did Alecdora
-They didn't approve of the relationship but you made him smile a lot
-Now he only cries when in private
-You simply told them to mind their own business
-Now William overheard this and feels more lost
-But you were put on a mission with him when a desperate Langris told the wizard king what happened
-Best wizard king btw
-You acted civilized and so did he
-But internally, he's a mess
-Even Patri misses you even though he found you irritating
-William took a blow for you and you thought he was going to die
-"I love you, William! Don't die!"
-And you got him to the ER so quickly and he was saved
-You visited him each day and Langris made sure of this since he temporarily took William's place since William wasn't able to get out of bed
-You and him worked out your differences and he apologized
-You also apologized and now it's all good
-As soon as he's better, he'll treat you to dinner despite your protests that you should treat him
-Ends with makeup sex btw

-You came back to the base the next week and he kept his distance while yelling at Mereleona
-You notice how Leopold (who always adored you and called you Big Sis) now only gives you sad looks and calls you by your name
-Fuego talks his sister into sense and will even fight her. He couldn't care less if she accepted you or not, but he argued she should've kept her mouth shut
-A fight does break out and you broke up the fight with your magic
-"You two better stop it. I don't care what you issue is, but you're destroying forests and land with that beautiful but annoyingly hot fire magic of your."
-Yeah Fuego follows you back, glaring at his sister to tell her he won the argument
-He traps you in his arms and a wall, refusing to let go until you talked to him
-Meaning!!! Your back was to his chest and your front to the wall
-Reverse Kabedon
-He tells you that you shouldn't ever listen to that shit and that if you ever felt insecure, you should've talked to him
-He apologized since he didn't quite understand how you felt even though he felt he should've
-You talk it out and he kisses you at the end, turning you around
-You missed him tbh and he missed you
-No makeup sex, but he treats you out and gets you anything you laid eyes on for more than five seconds
-Take advantage of that as much as you want since he hardly ever does that since he know you will argue

-It was literal years before he saw you again
-You had decided to follow your comrade and Yami's vice captain Nacht Faust to the Spade kingdom to spy on the Dark Triad
-He was going to give a bunch of mission files to Julius when he felt your mana
-Runs to Julius's office and there you are
-You were leaning over Julius's desk, pointing out something on a map
-Nozel dropped all the files he had and was about to run to you, but you looked at him with a bored expression
-You finished your meeting with Julius and he told you to go talk to Nozel
-Nozel himself was feeling a storm of emotions since he hadn't seen you in ten years
-Yeah, Noelle who was 5 at the time you left is now 15
-He asks you where you were and you told him
-But guess what? That isn't the only surprise you have
-While you were talking with Nozel, your son Noah ran towards you, ready to defend you
-You guessed it: Noah is Nozel's son
-Nozel was shocked as its very obvious who Noah's father is
-You inform him that your best friend in the Spade kingdom took care of Noah while you were gone, only being able to visit him when you weren't on duty with Nacht and the other spies
-You don't want to talk to Nozel and left immediately
-He found you at your old house near House Silva
-He manages to worm his way into your life again but Noah hates him
-It's a slow process since you don't want to endanger Noah, but Nozel does manage to redeem himself
-By the time he does, Noah who was 9 at the time is now 11.
-Oh and Noah now has two more brothers on the way
-Solid and Nebra do apologize and at the battle of the elves, they also apologized to Noelle
-Now you're a happier family
-Solid is lowkey jealous of Nozel since he had a crush on you. But he's the No. 1 uncle after Leopold and Fuego.

-When he saw you as a Golden Dawn member, he was so angry and went off right there
-Since then, you haven't spoken to him and he misses you so much
-You accompanied him to the Underwater Temple since Wizard King Julius said so (since both Langris and Asta told him what happened)
-Langris only told him because he was tired of you ranting about Yami and your magic out-rivaled his.
-Man was fucking nervous that he had two uprising newbies that could overtake him and become the new vice captain of the Golden Dawn
-Selfish, but hey! Yami isn't complaining since he can spend time with you
-You do apologize to Vanessa but also tell her to give up the drinks at least
-Doesn't work btw
-You are teamed up with Yami and it's awkward
-At the end, you do make up with him when you see him drunk and singing how much he misses you
-Even though William had a crush on you, he saw how you looked at him
-He helped you bring Yami back to his base and you stay with him
-When Yami wakes up, you're with him after his horrible hangover
-He apologized to you and you accept it
-He convinced you to come back to the Black Bulls and Langris himself helped you pack up
-"Good riddance."
-Secretly will miss your baking and you'll make him cherry tarts every once in a while since you have a feeling he had something to do with Julius intervening
-Good for you❤️

-After the mission, you were about to leave when he wouldn't let go of your hand
-Apologized to you while looking away since he really did miss you
-Dark Lord Sekke is going to SNAP, but you didn't
-You accepted his apology and warned him to never be so violent
-You came back
-Sekke was happy to see you but you found it hilarious when he was promoted to a first class senior magic knight following the battle with the elves knowing he fled the scene the moment he was able to.
-You do help him with his magic though
-And despite what Sekke says, you encourage Jack to not take him back, saying Sekke should be proud to serve the ugly king
-Did I mentioned makeup sex?
-Well, y'all do it
-Don't be surprised if you get pregnant if you're not on the pill
-Jack will really make you feel loved but his gentle manner quickly becomes rough
-Not that you mind tbh


Not me having Loving Langris Hours 24/7 for the past two years✋😔

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