[Until The End] Yuno x Reader

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This will be on the shorter side and will spoil episodes 161-162 (manga readers already know what's gonna happen tho)


Reader POV

It all happened quickly.

I was with Yuno when he found out his true heritage as the prince of the Spade kingdom, the place I had escaped as a child to be with my half-brother Klaus who didn't know I was his half-sister.

However, we heard over an intercom that our base was being attacked.

"Let's go!" Yuno grabbed my hand, bringing me onto his wind eagle that soared into the sky as we rushed to get to our comrades.

But we were almost too late.

In the huge gap, I flew ahead of Yuno, already in winter kitsune spirit dive.

I saw the man who used rock magic as well as the other man who was also stage zero.

But that didn't even matter to me.

What mattered was the fact that all of our friends (or who could be seen) were on the ground.

Most were dead.

Blood was splattered everywhere.

Klaus was trying to fight alongside Letoile and someone else who I forgot their name.

"(y/n)!" Klaus shouted.

I helped him and the others defeat the misty man while Yuno took on the rock guy.

"Where's the captain?" I asked.

"Up there," Letoile informed me. "Fighting him."

I nodded, feeling the dark aura of a devil. "I see."

"No..." Letoile pointed a shaking hand.

I saw Yuno get hit. "YUNO!"

But he was fine.

He too defeated the rock guy, but just as we celebrated our victories, another danger dropped down-literally.

When the smoke cleared, I let out a scream and we instinctively moved back.

Our captain was dangling from bones, blood all over his clothing and face.


"So you are still alive?" An erie voice said as the owner of the terrifying bone magic emerged, staring down at us with disgust. "And I see one of you has the wind spirit while the other has the winter spirit."

Yuno, Letoile, Klaus, and I made a quick union spell, but that too was defeated in a second.

"What the hell?!" I turned to Klaus, knowing he and I shared an aspect of magic as siblings that would form a sibling bond.

I didn't see him, but I felt a drop of blood on my face, running down and staining my uniform.

I looked up and my eyes widened. "KLAUS!"

He and Letoile were impaled, their faces contorted in agony.

"I see you two are stage zero." The strange man stared at us. "And now that I'm looking closer, one is the son of the previous king and the other a traitor."

I glared at him, finally recognizing him. "ZENON! You fucking bonehead!"

"How mean of you," he spat. "I expected so much more from you when I took you under my wing to train."

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