How You Met [Part 2]

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Reincarneted Gang

Licht: You're a human with light magic, Lemiel's cousin to be exact. He met you and Tetia at the same time, but took more interest in you as you had the same magic types, which is quite rare. Oh, and Tetia had a crush on him first so kept your distance from the elf since you didn't want to cause a rift between you and your favorite cousins. BUT! Licht only sees Tetia as a good friend, so that's a weird triangle.

Rhya: You met him in the modern era (normal time) as Rill's older sister. He's interested in your painting magic. You actually knew each other centuries ago before getting reincarnated. And he knew it. But you didn't know him in this era. You only knew him as a terrorist and should be dealt with. The sad thing is that he truly fell in love with you and was going to confess on Licht and Tetia's wedding day, but it just didn't work out for him. Oh well. He will wait patiently for you to remember once you all get reincarnated, and only then will he confess. Until then, he'll tease you and mock you while loving being near you.

Patoli/Patri: He met you centuries ago as children. You were elves. You had medicine magic and he found it strange. It was an innocent friendship, but he had to watch you die in his arms and he will never forget that. When he was reincarnated into the body of William Vangeance, he recognized your aura almost immedietly as you were one of Vangeance's subordinates on the medical side. But in this life, you were granted far less power than your counterpart. He is jealous of William as he met you in this life first, but can't complain. So he'll lie low for now, or at least until he can finish his plan to bring everyone back.

Lemiel Silvamillion (not part of the tribe, but ykyk): He met you as (y/n) Grinberryall of the Spade Kingdom centuries ago (yeah, meaning there is no Dark Triad bs). He found he was betrothed to you when you turned 18 so that was that. He actually fell deeply in love and you shared that love. What made it cool was the fact his sister Tetia is also a wind mage so you were able to train with her. The day you were supposed to go to Licht and Tetia's wedding, you were told you would be going to the Heart Kingdom to study. You lived the rest of your life out in mourning when you found out Lemiel had presumably died. You died many centuries later and never loved again. Centuries later, you were reincarnated into the elder sister of Yuno Grinberryall with the same wind magic. You were brought to Hage with your younger brother and lived there. You retained all your memories from your past life and was shocked to see a statue of him at the top of the skull. But you kept the knowledge of your past life in your mind, waiting for the day to meet Lemiel again.

Heart Kingdom

Gadjah: Guess who's Luck Voltia 2.0 but sane? Gadjah met you when you came to study in the Heart Kingdom as exchange students with Kirsch and Mimosa Vermillion. He was fascinated by your lightning magic since you shared a similar attribue to his. At first he didn't like your attitude of being carefree, but you eventually came to terms with one another when you pushed him past his limits and informed him you did care, but were constantly tired. When you went back to the Clover Kingdom, he waited many years to meet you again since he had grown to like you very much. Hell, even Lolopechka ships it.

Spade Kingdom

Dante Zogratis: You were the heir to the Spade Kingdom until your little brother Yuno was born. You didn't mind so much that Yuno would become king since you wanted to live a carefree life. Back then, Dante was assigned to protect you at all times. He was far more years older than you, but still fell. However he had a mission: take the throne of the kingdom. But at the last moment in the fire, he spared you and slaughtered your parents right in front of you. He offered you a choice: stay and marry him or perish. You chose the latter option, refusing to love the man who slaughtered your parents. He didn't like it but spared you anyway, casting you out of the kingdom until you could accept his offer. You fled to the Clover Kingdom with Yuno and dropped him off at Hage, knowing he was too little to understand that his entire home had been ripped from him. You sought the help of House Kira and the wizard king at the time who helped. You also became close with Sir Julius, the next wizard king. They made you a promise to help you reinstate your family's throne when the time was right. So in the meantime, you would check up on Yuno every once in a while, not telling him you were his sister. You became a magic knights captain and would wait until Yuno was older and ready to take back his throne. Oh, and Dante had an idea you sought the help of the Clover Kingdom and had his sister Vanica curse Acier Silva as a warning to you that he wouldn't forget.

Zenon Zogratis: He met you the day he attacked the Golden Dawn, chosing the spare you because your magic was essential for their project. Dark Demonic magic. He already had someone going to fetch your brother Yami Sukehiro. It was almost as if fate designed you meeting him. You grabbed the souls of those who were about to die through the shadow gate to the underworld as dark magic could interfere with the shadows, and saved them. Zenon was very interested and chose to keep you as his pet for the time being, offering you luxuries. However, you refused to accept his advances, rebelling against him. He didn't like it and you paid for your actions. He would hurt people and wouldn't stop. But fate had other things in store for you and you were tied to him by the red string of fate. But you still refused him, not wanting to fall for someone so evil and destructive as himself.

Diamond Kingdom

Mars: He met you as the last royal of House Korenthan, the Diamond Ruling Family (MY own idea, please do not steal House Korenthan) in the experiments. You fought alongside him and succeeded in getting out, only to be brought back to the kingdom many years later. When you met him next, he was one of the eight shining generals and your other friend Fana part of a terrorist group. You snapped him out of it and left the witches' forest right after as you were now in the Clover Kingdom to get stronger and someday reclaim your throne. Oh, and you're part of the Golden Dawn alongside a certain spacial mage named Langris Vaude who knew of your past and agreed to help you. You later met Mars in preparation to battle the Spade Kingdom as you now lead the Diamonds to get back the territory that the Dark Triad had stolen. You worked alongside him and grew closer to him once more. But the kicker was that your memories had been stolen of the time you were with him as children. In fact, you only remembered the massacre of your family and the fact you were trying to reclaim your throne.

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