[Lost to Him] Langris Vaude/Yuno Grinberryall

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Heavy manga spoilers with ny own twists

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Heavy manga spoilers with ny own twists.

Reader POV

I always knew there was a deep rivalry between my boyfriend for two years Langris and his older brother Finral.

I was standing next to Yuno, Noelle, and En as we were on the P team.

Langris was facing his brother's team, casting Sekke and Fragil to protect their team crystal.

"What the hell...?" I watched their spacial magic go head-to-head.

However, Langris's magic far outweighed Finral's.

When the smoke cleared, Finral was on the ground, holes in his body.


Yuno grabbed my hand, preventing me from intervening. "(y/n)-"

I got out of his grip and ran over to Charmy who was ready to launch Luck, Manga, and Asta onto the field as Langris was going to attack Finral even though the latter was severely injured.

Charmy launched us all quickly and I got out my recovery magic, ready to protect Finral while the other three stopped Langris in place.

I didn't hear what exactly was said as I was too busy using my water magic to protect Finral.

Dr. Owen, my father, gently moved me so he could take a look at my dear friend. "He will live," he said to me. "But it will be a while before he wakes up."

A portal was opened for us and I helped my father carry Finral to the operation room.

"(y/n), I've got this," he said. "You should head back-"

"No! Finral is my best friend. I'll stay here for now."

Knowing I could be stubborn at times, Father left me in the room after making sure Finral was stable, leaving me strict instructions I was not to touch him at all and alert a nurse if anything happened.

About a day later, I was called back to the Golden Dawn as the captain wanted to talk to me.

"(y/n), have you noticed something off about Langris?" William asked me.

I shook my head. "Not in the slightest. I knew he and Finral always have a rivalry, but not to the point where he would kill Finral..."

"I see. If you want to know where he is, he's in the tower. Under strict rules, you can go visit him."

I nodded. "Very well. May I bring someone with me? I don't think I can go by myself."

"Would you like me to come?" The captain asked me.

I shook my head. "No, thank you."

"Then that is fine. I'll have the paperwork done by noon so you can drop by whenever you want."

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