Julius Novochrono yandere ABC's

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'A' is for AFFECTION: How does he show affection?

Oh, honey, this man. This man right here. He absolutely is affectionate! Much like his subordinate Fuegeleon Vermillion, Julius Novochrono is always touching you! Either holding hands, kissing, whatever!

It's very clear to all of his captains and everyone that you are his.

'B' is for BEAUTY: Name three (3) things he finds beautiful about you!

Your eyes. He loves to stare into your (e/c) orbs as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear or anywhere at any time. He might just grab your chin and stare deep into the (e/c) ocean and drown in your gaze.

Your arms. It goes to say that he absolutely loves affection! He likes to kiss them when they are around him after a long, tiring day as Wizard King.

Your personality! It's what drew him to you! You were in the middle of a fight with some arrogant nobles (it doesn't matter if you are noble or peasant) and grilling them against prejudice against poorer folk. If you are wealthy yourself, he's done for. He can see your wonderful personality hidden behind those clothing. If you are poor, he's still done for. No matter who you are, it doesn't matter - it's who you will be!


'C' is for CHERISHING: Describe a memory about you that he treasures

His favorite memory is inviting you to his castle and Marx didn't believe you when you claimed that he requested your presence. Julius, like the wonderful [wizard] king he is, came to your rescue. Julius later grilled Marx on not letting you into his chambers since he often spoke fondly of you.

Marx learned his lesson and allowed you to always visit the busy wizard king, and even approved of your relationship (not that you lovebirds need it).

Another memory is when he first met you! You were trying out for the magic knights and he heard a huge boom from his castle and rushed to the source. He watched with fascination as you wiped the floor with your opponents. From that day on, whatever squad you chose, he makes it clear that he is interested in you.

Not only that, but he promotes you after your long journeys on missions! If he didn't trust his captains so much, he wouldn't send you on any missions. But he himself chose the captains and awarded them to their status so he knows who to trust and not to trust.

You'll probably ask him to start your own squad, (squad name). Julius is happy to grant your request after giving him good enough reason. From there, he'll probably make his move and ask you on a date.

At that point, you've known the cheery male for a while and accept him.

It's a win-win.

'D' is for DEVOTION: How reliant are you on him for your own happiness and daily life?

Let's be honest, fam. He's fallen for you completely and you both like to make each other happy. He loves it when he's working and you take his pen out of his hands, drop it on the floor, and give him a hug while he is sitting (this may or may not lead to sex).

For you, you might be a captain in the magic knights or just an average knight.

If you are a captain or magic knight, expect him to call you into his office. You'll leave your trusted vice-captain in charge and go visit Julius who isn't in his office but in a romantic spot. He has his trusted friend Marx and a spacial mage bring you to your picnic date.

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