You Leave His Squad [Nozel Silva]

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What happened
-Acier died and you felt no obligation to the squad since she was the only reason why you tolerated them
-Nozel and the other squadmates never respected you
-You eventually had it when your group left you for dead
-"One less commoner brat"

What YOU did
-Contacted your friend Fuegeleon and asked him if you could switch
-He agreed, only if Nozel agreed to it
-You got the papers signed by the wizard king as well since it was a big thing to change squads
-Both Fuegeleon and Julius know Nozel liked you but had issues showing it

How He Reacted
-He was hurt
-"Don't you owe this squad? My mother made you into a magic knight and allowed you to join the squad. Now you're disrespecting her by leaving."
-You argue that Acier didn't want you to be upset
-"This squad makes me upset. I'm leaving. One less annoyance, right?"
-Nozel didn't know your teammates left you for dead btw. He just assumed you were problematic and allowed you to leave
-"If you're really going to leave, you won't be welcome back."
-He was actually nervous since you threatened this before, but you look 100% serious now

When You're Gone
-At first he was happy because people stopped talking about you
-They stopped calling the Silver Eagles soft for allowing a commoner in
-His squad still talks shit about you and he listens
-Was absolutely shocked when he learned your teammates left you for dead on a mission and called you useless even though they did nothing
-He passes your now vacant room and sometimes sits on your old bed, just staring at the wall
-He never got to tell you his feelings because he wasn't sure of them at the time
-Now he definitely knows

When He Sees You in Another Squad
-Man is mad
-It's one thing to leave to join another squad, but another to join the squad of his biggest rival
-He sees you and Fuegeleon getting all chummy and wishes that were you and him
-He's wanting to talk to you but his pride is too big
-Shocked when you became Fuegleon's vice captain alongside Randall since you both have powerful magic
-Will be angry at himself but will not show it
-But he's proud of you for not giving up
-You eventually got promoted to a grand magic knight and Julius allowed you to start your own squad
-You did so and named your squad the Dawn Falcons since you were fond of the birds
-Nozel misses you even more now since he hardly ever sees you aside from captains meetings

His Innermost Thoughts
-He misses you very much and will regret not treating you better.
-Especially since you never deserved the harsh treatment.
-Now it's too late since you won't talk to him
-Unless it's absolutely necessary
-He never got to tell you of his feelings since you won't speak to him and probably hold a grudge
-Yes and no

Oh well. It seems you kept your word and never came back, just like he yelled the day you left.


What captain (preferably male) would you like to see the same scenario with? Majority wins.

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