Damnatio Kira Catch Up

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I cannot hate him yet I cannot 100% love this coldass mf.

How you met: He met you at a trial since your abusive father tried to kill you. As aforementioned, abused you. Damnation didn't like the bastard and could clearly see you were unsafe (as well as your reactions around anyone). He met you again about a month later at a restaurant. You recognized him and he made friendly chatter while also giving your brother a stink eye until you explained he was your brother. For as cold as Damnatio is, he keeps those he likes close to him.

Your Magic: Sound magic

Your Family: House Echosong (your cousins are in the Heart Kingdom and your family as a whole are known to be prized musicians)

Confessing: He did it in a multi-step plan and first met you in various places as a 'coincidence'. He would be the type to just say hello and maybe kiss your hand (he's a gentleman). His family already attends concerts and other events at the royal concert hall and you recognized him there since he has talked to you. He will escort you home and give you flowers. He also knows you're in the magic knights under Captain William Vangeance and will probably see you a lot. Then he will probably ask you on dates disguised as musician things. But he always makes sure the music hall is filled with people. He isn't a huge romantic, but when he confesses? You'll never forget it. He had taken you to dinner and after a performance where you played the piano and your other siblings sang, he confessed. Was pretty shocked when you accepted his confession.

Breakup: You were pissed off that he would dare to convict Asta and a child (Marie Adlai) to being the cause of the elf attack since you too were reincarnated. He argued with you, saying if it weren't for those devil's servants, he wouldn't have had to hurt you to knock you unconscious as well as his relative the king be put in danger by Langris Vaude who was reincarnated into Ratri. Things got ugly and he told you to shut the fuck up in an angry manner. You got flashbacks to your abusive father and ran from his office and when he came to House Echosong later, you told the maids to not let him near you.

Make Up: He was at first annoyed at you since he was only doing what's best for the country. He began to miss seeing you aside from concerts and around town. He then hears you got injured in a spar and will come to the Golden Dawn's base to check on you. He apologizes and you forgive him when he tells you he allowed Asta to prove his innocence, which brings a war with the Spade kingdom.

Seeing You Cry: It doesn't happen often, but you cry tears with beautiful pitches. People will know you're crying because they'll hear beautiful notes coming as well as your sobs. It's both beautiful and heartbreaking. He'll not know what to do so he just holds you.

Seeing Him Cry: It hardly ever happens. Like seriously. You don't ask what happened since it will just make him more upset. So instead, you make his favorite foods and tell him to drink some water. You also rub his back and allow him to use your chest as a pillow when crying. He's a big guy and he will just act like a lump. These vulnerable moments are quite rare.

B/A/T: Boobs and thighs.

First Time: Dom as hell BUT he won't mind you taking charge for the second round. He'll make sure to be gentle. He's tall, so his friend is also going to be on the larger side. Once you get used to him, he'll fuck your brains out since he wants to hear you and wants you to remember this. Especially since neither of you are virgins.

You're Preggo: This probably isn't planned, but he won't complain. He'll probably be overprotective and ask your captain to assign you simple tasks. He'll also talk to your family about only a few concerts a week instead of five days. He'll have your things moved to your home so he's able to care for you. He'll never say it outright, but he's hella smug and proud that he got you pregnant and y'all are starting a family. Some captains themselves are jealous since you are beautiful, powerful, and of nobility. He'll silently judge your food cravings but whatever.

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