Langris Vaude x Commoner! Reader

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Requested by Fattyman1

I am so sorry it took so long to write! Hope you enjoy!

Scenario: Langris Vaude x Commoner! Reader

Magic: blood

Type: Fluff (?)

Warning: mentions of domestic abuse, murder, NSFW.


Reader POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open.

I let out a yawn and turned my head to the side to see Langris Vaude staring at me with his ocean-blue eyes.

"Good morning," he whispered as he stroked my face lovingly.

"How long have you been up?" I asked as I let him snuggle me.

He glanced at the clock. "About ten minutes now." He slowly got up. "(y/n)? Can I trust you?"

I nodded.

"You've been a good girl," He got up and used his magic to put his hand through the portal and it came back with the key to unlock the chain on my wrist. He gently kissed my bruised wrist and I turned it a bit to reduce the pain.

I sighed in relief.

Ever since I tried to escape the Vaude Mansion, he's kept me chained to a piece of furniture.

He purposefully placed the cuffs tight enough for me to be in pain, but not enough for me to bleed.

Even if I did bleed, he sealed my grimoire in a void using his spacial magic.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

I didn't respond. Instead, I shrugged.

"(y/n), I asked you a question." He paused what he was doing and stared me dead in the eyes.

"Uh, I'm not sure," I said immediately. He relaxed and went outside of the room and called for a servant.

I knew damn well that he could go from being kind one minute to horrible the next.

The bruises on my shoulder, neck, and wrist proved it.

Once, he had pinned me against the bed. Furious that I was talking to Yuno instead of paying attention to him.


"Hey, (l/n)?"

I looked up from my book. "What is it, Yuno?"

"What the hell do you want, peasant?" Langris snarled.

I aimed my boyfriend a venomous glare. "Don't be so rude, Langris." I gave Yuno a sweet smile. "What is it, Yuno?"

He shyly took a seat next to me. "I need help with this transcription. I found this scroll in a dungeon- the one where I found Syph."

"Let me take a look."

An hour passed and Langris' demeanor got more deadly as each minute passed by.

"(y/n)." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the chair. "Peasant, we are going. Don't talk to my girlfriend."

He dragged me out of the library and pulled me into a portal that exited to his room at the Vaude mansion.

"I hate it when you look at him," he glared as he threw me onto his bed. "I hate it when you talk to him!"

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