[Cold Hearted] Langris Vaude BOOK TEASER

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Reader POV

I'm (y/n). Just (y/n). No last name. No 'House of whatever'.

Well actually, that's a lie.

I'm (y/n) Korenthan, the very last survivor from House Korenthan that formally ruled the Diamond Kingdom before it was taken over by the government obsessed with making themselves more powerful than they already were.

So now I'm just a poor girl that's been traveling on their own their whole life.

Leaving me to fend for myself in the cruel world.

But the kicker was that I was from the Diamond Kingdom.

Eventually, my travels lead me to the Clover Kingdom Capital.

"Did you hear about the selections for the Magic Knight Squad?" I heard a man say behind me.

I said nothing and kept sipping my beverage, well aware of their stares on me as I looked different from the people here.

"Yeah, I hear all captains are looking for new members!" A female voice.

"Haha, I bet a pretty lady like yourself is going to attend, am I right?" I felt someone sit next to me and wrap an arm around me.

I glanced in their direction. He had brown hair that was messy and purple eyes. "Who are you. Take your hand off me now."

He chuckled. "Cold-hearted, are we?" He smiled and extended a hand. "I'm Finral."


"What's your last name?" He asked kindly.

I shook my head. "I don't have one."

He tapped his chin as if he were in deep thought. "Well, I'll just have to give you one!"

"No thank you." I got up to leave after dropping some coins that I had obtained for picking flowers at a field. "Thank you,"

I left the tavern and glanced at the sky. It was a beautiful kingdom. I had traveled the outskirts but never actually went into towns.

"Hey, wait!" Finral followed me. He tried to grab my hand again but I stopped him with a glare.

"Don't touch me, stranger."

He pouted. "Mean! Hey, wait!"

I rolled my (e/c) eyes. "Go away, annoyance."

"Please, can I just get you something to drink or something?"

"So you can attempt to hit on me? No thank you," I stated. My goal was to get more food, not associate with people!

"Hey, where did you get that awesome outfit??" He called out again.

I looked at my outfit that was metalic blue and black with black boots and a belt. "This?"

He gasped. "Where did you buy it?!"

"What do you mean? I made it."

"Whaaaa?!?!" His jaw dropped. I clamped it shut. "How?!"

I sighed. "Simple. Creation magic. I harnessed some elements and put them into my outfit. I have the coldest snow, the lightest rays, and purest water. It's simple, really."

"But where did you get the fabric?"

"I just found it outside my home," I said. Well, it was true. Someone left it outside the cave I was living in.

"Wow! What house are you from?"

"Pardon me?"

He laughed. "Well, I guess you're like me! You ran away from home and you also grabbed some money! No way a peasant could afford that beautiful outfit."

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