Seeing You Cry [All]

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Golden Dawn

William: He hates it. He knows you're a strong person and it will take a lot for you to cry. He'll probably be a gentleman and hold you close, probably also getting food for you.

Langris: He is shocked and will mock you. This causes you to cry more and hate him even more, fleeing from the scene. You probably won't talk to him for a bit. But he does feel bad and will break down literal walls to make you feel better. That includes suspending the offenders from the Golden Dawn.

Klaus: Klaus would be startled but will try and find the issue. When that is resolved, he'll silently pat your back.

Yuno: He's ready to fight a bitch. He may be aloof at times, but he certainly can pack a nasty punch if someone dares to hurt one of his beloved ones. We all saw how he acted when Zenon attacked the Golden Dawn. Now multiply that by ten.

David: He'll try to make you laugh and it works. He'll treat you out but behind the scenes, he's ready to kill someone who made you cry.

Silver Eagles

Nozel: He'll call you pathetic for listening to whatever was said and that actually makes you feel better since he reasons that you're stronger than them and shouldn't care what dumbasses say. BTW whoever dared to be mean to his s/o will face his wrath. Good luck.

Solid: Solid...I don't even know where to begin. On one hand, he's rude and mean to anyone BUT you. So when he sees you crying, the other person will wish they never met you. Solid will get his brother Nozel and sister Nebra to gang up on the offender while you just sit there like o-o.

Crimson Lions

Fuegeleon: He's shocked at the rudeness of people and will not hesitate to put them in their place while comforting you.

Leopold: Poor lion baby didn't know what to do when he saw you cry. Please help this poor boy. But he does know whoever made you cry will pay. He will not hesitate to throw hands.

Mereleona: The person who made her s/o cry will simply not exist anymore.

"Mere, what's that pile of ashes over there?

"Nothing, (y/n). Look away."

You both know she probably blew them up.

Black Bulls

Yami: He'll knock sense into you, saying you're stronger than those bitches and he'll even pamper you that night. It usually ends in sex btw. The next day, he'll carry you around and yell at the whores who called you mean names.

Nacht: Oh they simply just cease to exist. That's it.

Asta: He's more understanding and will make you feel better and so will his squad. If the situation really calls for it, Asta will call up his harem (excluding Sister Lily) and other friends to gang up on a bitch.

Gauche: You saw how he acted when Marie was in danger. He'll first make sure you're okay before confronting the mean people who simply don't know how to shut the fuck up.

Finral: As sweet as he can be, don't forget he's lived with sour Langris before. The brothers tend to pick up on each other's habits. Sweet Finral will turn into Sour Finral. The offender will wish they never met you, nor stepped foot near you. Good for you!

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