[Light and Shadow] Nozel Silva

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This one will be very short.

Reader POV

Not a single sound was heard in the ballroom.

I was alone.

I sighed with sadness, knowing no one wanted to be seen with the creepy heiress to House Faust.

Since we were commoners, we were shunned by the nobles who didn't see eye to eye with my family's ideas.

In fact, not one family except House Silva and House Vermillion attended my father's funeral.

But I had suspicions the two royal houses only showed up because it would tarnish their 'magnificent reputation' if they didn't.

My brother Nacht was currently risking his life for the Clover kingdom, spying on our enemies and sending me trinkets occassionally.

The lights flickered in the dark ballroom, illuminating the sky outside.

I saw figures coming towards me, making me surprised.

Music began to play as the entire ballroom became lit with light.

People moved aside when the royal man Nozel Silva walked in my direction, holding his gloved hand out.

I took his hand and we began to dance.

I felt right at home in his arms, not caring about a single thing.

I spotted his siblings in the crowds, watching.

Whispers of the head of House Silva proposing to me emerged as we began the waltz.

"Tell me what you want the most," Nozel asked me.

The lights dimmed, the other people becoming nothing but shadow.

"I want you," I confessed. "To be with me. When I wake up, when I eat, when I live. That is what I want most."

We walked out to the balcony and I pointed to the stars, the lights going completely off inside the house.

"I want to see these with you each night. To count them until we both fall asleep."

"Then we shall."

I turned my head and our lips drew closer together until I turned my face at the last moment.

"Dear (y/n), why do you shy away from me?" Nozel asked me.

"Because the truth hurts," I said as tears streamed down my face.

He nodded and his body became shadow once more. "Indeed it does."

I walked back inside the ballroom, seeing the people who were just there as shadows.

House Faust was known for their shadow manipulation magic, my brother being the prodigy and accepting four devils to serve him.

Nozel Silva didn't give a damn about me.

He never would.

I was a commoner and he hated people like me.

It didn't matter I had powerful shadow magic.

I wiped my tears and looked out at the stars through the windows, reaching towards them.

"Someday, my wish will come true."

But I knew better than to fully believe that.

I closed the door to the ballroom, heading up to my bedroom in the crumbling Faust manor that was once glorious back when our family was of nobility before my grandfather drove us to ruin.

Long ago, back when the lights were still on.

"I will wait forever for you," I whispered as I got into bed, closing my curtains and blocking the starlight from reaching me.


Nothing like a bit of angst, right?

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