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I need to find a hole so that I can throw myself into it. I'll dig it myself if I have to. I could've sworn I turned the stupid microphone off.

I would love to get to my dressing room or even just out of this dam kitchen but If your standing on the stage, which the boys currently are, you can see the whole room. I didn't want to see them now. I'm so embarrassed.

The worst part is I'd love to talk to them. I mean I have nothing to be embarrassed about. I just can't work this dam headset. That's all.

I have no reason to assume their thinking the worst of me. Luke didn't sound mad when he talked earlier. I need to not jump to conclusions. I just need to breath and tell myself everything's going to be fine.

I'll probably run into them later, we'll laugh about the whole thing. There's no need to panic. I just need to breath.

"Are you okay?"

I whipped my head up and saw Luke standing there.

"Yeah I'm good." I quickly responded.

He wasn't being cold towards me, he seemed concerned. I usually do a good job of hiding when I'm panicked.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about earlier. I just can't get the hang of that headset and I'm just really sorry." When I'm nervous I have this tendency to ramble on about stuff.

"No no! Don't be sorry. You have a killer voice and if anything you made the song better. I kinda guessed it was an accident when the mic abruptly turned off." He said while rubbing his neck.

He did seem tired though, he has droopy red eyes and looked paler than usual.

"You seem tired? Is everything okay?"

I didn't like when the topic was about me. I'd do anything in my power to avoid it.

"Yeah yeah I'm perfect. I'm so" he paused to yawn, "good."

"Alright, if you say so." I said while chuckling.

I spotted my failed attempt at a tea still sitting on the counter.

"Well I know what'll wake you, I made tea. Here, try some."

I firmly gripped the cup and offered it to him. Our fingers momentarily touched and I could've sworn he lingered. He pulled away and took a big sip.

For a split second as he swallowed i saw so much regret on his face. His nose wrinkled and his upper lip curled up. I burst out laughing. He just drank three teaspoons of salt.

"Mmmhhh, that was delicious- Oh god what did I drink."

He sprinted over to the sink and gulped down a bunch of water. It just made me laugh more.

I really liked his outfit today, he was a wearing a nirvanna shirt and skinny jeans. Nothing special but he really made it work. In fact he had such nice long legs.

"I have a fun idea," He was now leaning against the counter.

I didn't even realize he had turned around.

"Yeah?" When I looked up I found him grinning. Did his smile really have to be that pretty?

"The boys are back in the dressing room, they're really tired. I think we should make them some of that really delicious tea." He seemed really pleased with himself for coming up with the idea.

"I really like that idea. It just so happens that I have an in with the boss here, so I can organize us some extra cups."

He seemed really excited. I gestured that I'd be back and I quickly made my way across the room and out the door. I saw Burda sitting at one of the tables. Just the person I was looking for. Burda immediately noticed me.

Best Years - L.R.HWhere stories live. Discover now