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Cas kept to her word, she woke me up and took me back to our room as she promised. By then we both were wide awake even though Luke fell right back asleep.

We talked for hours on end and even packed our things placing our luggage by the door. This would be the first time we ever were ready for an early trip, usually we were either so drunk or passed out that we missed the flight or car that was waiting completely. God management really hated me at a time.

Me and Cas reminisced on those fond times. We did face masks and painted each other's nails crazy colors. We truly got along and it felt good being around her. I wasn't fooled though, I knew there was still issues between us but we didn't constantly have to bring them up.

"I haven't had ice cream in so long." Cas sighed stretching.

"Then let's get some." I perked up from where I sat on the fluffy rug and stared at Cas.

"So do we just go to the shops and get some?" She said resting on her forearms very intrigued by the idea.

"I mean let's get Michael's car and go get some. What's stopping us?" I smiled standing up.

"Well for starters we're still in pajamas," She noticed the unbothered expression on my face and jumped off the bed. "Oh fuck that. Let's go get ice cream!"

She jumped on me causing us both to fall over. We landed on the ground laughing our asses off. "I have an idea to how we will get the keys to Michael's car." She said standing up offering me hand.

We rushed out the room as the morning sun started rising. Our giggles echoed across the large room as we busted into Michael's room. He jolted up starting at us. "What? "

Me and Cas both gave each other a knowing look and jumped on Michael.

"Give us your car keys now!" I yelled grabbing his forearms.

"What why?" He squeeled when Cas sat on his legs.

"Give us it now or we will hurt you!" Cas chocked out laughing throwing herself over Michael's kicking legs.

"You leave us no choice Clifford." I placed myself down on his chest as Cas grabbed his feet and started tickling him.

"You guys are monsters!" he cried out laughing trying to throw us off him.

"Alright alright! Check my jacket pocket!" We immediately let go and he rolled off the bed and landed with a thud on the floor.

We hurried to his desk and spotted the jeep keys in his pocket. "Pleasure doing business with you." Cas said holding the keys in between her fingers.

We ran out the room bumping into Ashton who just seemed to have woken up. "Wooooww." He jumped as we all collided. Cal came out behind him rubbing his eyes, "What is all that noise?" he asked slumping out the room.

"Got Michael's Keys." Cas said proudly boasted. While she and the guys talked I slipped away into Luke's room.

I climbed over his sleeping body and kissed his jaw. "What ice cream do you want." I asked still pecking his skin.

He groaned before moving his head, "Cookies and cream please." He said laying his head down on the pillow again. I kissed him a few more times on the lips before slipping out the room again.

I jumped down the stairs skipping one each time. When I reached the door I yelled for Cas. She poked her head over the railing and noticed my eagerness to go. She ran down and joined me in the hall.

We kept to ourselves avoiding the fancy people coming in and out of the hotel lobby. Keeping in our laughter and comments as most of them were dressed in the most strange outfits. We held each other tight while walking into the garage where Michael's jeep was parked.

Best Years - L.R.HWhere stories live. Discover now