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Suddenly that bad feeling plummeted to my legs and I bolted towards luke. I tugged on the seem of his shirt as his large frame stood between me and the guy.

"Are you gonna say sorry?" Luke asked, his voice stern and unwavering.

"For what?" The guy asked, his voice shaky.

"For bumping into her, you made her spill. Say sorry." I felt Luke's back go rigid under my touch.

"Luke. Leave it." I said hoping we'd be able to just walk away.

"I'm sorry," The guy started. Luke moved back into my touch as the guy was apologizing, "That your stupid girlfriend can't watch where she's walking."

I saw luke flex his fingers by his side. As hot as him standing up for me was I was not gonna allow him to his that guy. I grabbed his hand and with all my strength yanked him towards me. When he stumbled back and turned to me he saw the stress on my face.

My breathing had picked up pace and I was clutching the half empty glass. "Don't do it. If you hit him I won't forgive you." I said whatever I thought would be most likely to make him drop it.

His jaw relaxed and he turned to me fully. That seemed to have worked.

"Come with me to the bathroom. I wanna wipe down my dress." Wanting to get him on the other side of the club, as far away from the guy as possible, I opted for the bathroom option.

"Okay." Luke seemed very eerdible.

Holding Luke by his wrist, for extra measure, I raced us to the bathroom. We walked into the unisex bathroom and I grabbed a bunch of toilet paper. Standing by the sink I looked into the mirror as I patted down on the wet spot.

"Will you tell me what the fuck that was about?" I said to like after checking under the stalls and being sure we were alone.

"I don't know." He dragged a hand through his hair seeming more unsure of himself than I was.

"Well do you plan on starting a fight with anyone else that bumps into me? If so we might as well just go back to your house." I was more annoyed than I expected to be. I had asked him to drop it and he ignored my requests.

"I'm just so easily annoyed nowadays. Being here tonight made me more on edge and when that Asshole made you spill I just lost it." Well that explained it. I should've thought ahead and known being in this environment would make him eerdible and more likely to get annoyed.

"We can leave. It's okay." Softening my tone I was mentally moving past the whole ordeal. After dabbing more toilet paper on the spot and dumping it into the trash I dropped the end of my dress.

"Okay. I'm good, let's go."

"Wait," Luke said grabbing my wrist. His grip was firm but not tight enough to hurt.

"Yeah?" I asked almost by the door.

Luke took another look around before pulling me into the furthest stall from the door. Pushing me into the stall he closed the door and locked it. Unlike other clubs this wasn't a bathroom stall, tthe door reached the floor and there were walls separating each toilet seat.

"Luke what the fuck." I said once he turned back to me.

"Now what?" I responded not fighting it when he pulled me into his arms.

"You okay?" He didn't answer and didn't seem inclined to do so as he just stood with his arms wrapped around me.

A few moments of quiet passed and I wasn't entirely sure what this was about. Either way if he wanted a moment alone with me I'd give him that.

Best Years - L.R.HWhere stories live. Discover now