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Authors note : in this chapter a picture of someone from the back will be used to represent Luke. They have a tattoo but Luke in this book does not have any back tattoo's

"You up yet?" Someone banged on the door.

I stayed snuggled under the covers as someone was calling me. I'm so tired.

"I'm coming in please be dressed." The door opened and light came in.

"Maeve!" I heard Calum yell.

"What?" I said slowly lifting my face off the soft pillow.

"How are you asleep. Most of us are dressed and ready to go. We're performing much later today but we still gotta get there early." he said walking over to me.

"I'll get up now." I stretched and fell back onto the bed.

"I know what will help." He said and I saw his dimples deepen. He pulled the covers over me revealing my pajama shorts and crop top. He placed his hands on my waist sending cold shivers up and down my body. He lifted me up and slung me over his shoulder.

"If I fall your dead!" I yelled holding onto his lower back. He held the back of my knees as he walked me out of the door.

"Not something you'd expect to see so early in the morning." Ashton chuckled as my ass was right next to Calums face.

I was facing away from everyone so I couldn't see a thing. He stopped at the couch and gently let me fall onto the soft surface. "What do you have to say for yourself?" I questioned smiling up at him.

"I made you some coffee to help wake you up." He grabbed the coffee from the counter and placed it down on the table right next to me. He flicked my nose before walking away.

I sat up rubbing at my arm. The tattoo bringing me back to the events of last night. I saw Calum, ashton and luke lounging at the counter. Arzaylea and Cas were nowhere to be seen. Luke and I were the only ones still in pajamas.

"You guys need to get ready. There was an accident so roads are all blocked up. Michael wants us all to leave as soon as possible." Ash said biting into his toast.

Luke's long legs looked really good in those checkered pajama shorts. A part of me wanted to be alone with him just for a little while atleast.

"You know Luke and i still gotta shower, get dressed and eat. You guys go ahead, we'll meet you there." I selfishly wanted him all to myself.

"I mean, Michael's in a hurry so he can get things set up there." Luke said agreeing with my plans.

"Well that could work. Cas them are downstairs at the hotel bar, they don't seem in a rush to leave. You four can come at a later time." Calum said.

Ash considered it and agreed. "Okay let's go then, we'll tell the girls about the plan." Ash said heading to the elevator with Calum. Calum waved at me until the door closed, I offered him a small smile.

"You and calum are pretty close." Luke commented when they were out of hearing distance.

"Yeah, he's a good dude." I said taking a sip of the coffee Calum made for me.

"You think he maybe wants to be more?" Luke continued with the subject.

"Nah. Calum can do way better than me. Besides we're bro's." I reached under my top and unhooked my bra with my one hand. I pulled it through my sleeve and held it in my hand.

"You shouldn't put yourself down like that." He said sliding over the last few pieces of toast towards him.

I walked over to him and leaned down on the counter. I grabbed a piece of toast and bit into it. He smiled at me but didn't say anything. Just silently supporting me.

Best Years - L.R.HWhere stories live. Discover now