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24 days before tour

Luke's pov

I'd been awake for sometime now but i kept my eyes closed so that i wouldn't have to get up yet. I wasn't sure how late it was but my hangover wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The only reason I decided to get up was because I started smelling bacon.

When I opened my eyes I was met with the dark couch cushions, I rolled over feeling the empty spot where Maeve should be. I didn't hear her get up, when could she have gone?

I sat up stretching my legs, i had fallen asleep in my jeans. I noticed the empty bed in front of me. Seems like everyone was up.

When I stood up, still half asleep, I saw the guys over by the kitchen. Ashton was by the stove cooking up a storm. Michael and Calum sat by the counter, both on their phones.

"Where are the girls?" I asked shuffling across the room towards them.

"Went to the beach." Ash said. He scooped up a few eggs and laid them down on the plates that were placed by the stove.

"Eat up." There was bacon in the one pan and toast in the toaster.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Was all Calum said and didn't deny himself a second helping before barely finishing the food he already had.

I on the other stuck with what my two slices of toast and bacon. Taking a few big bites I stared out at the view from where I was sitting.

"So you guys, I was thinking about asking Crystal to marry me." Michael said and we all looked up at him.

He was just casually sitting and eating his food acting like he didn't just announce something big like that.

"Dude!" Ash said from where he was leaned against the cupboards.

"Dude that's awesome. I'm so happy for you." Calum said patting Michael on the back.

I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to my dearest friend and gave him a hug from behind.

"I remember when you were just a band geek in school. Now your the band geek who's about to be engaged". He jabbed me in the side but I heard the genuine laugh my comment earned.

"I think I want to do it after tour. I don't want to have my fiance be on the other side of the country." I nodded when he turned to me.

"That makes sense." I said.

Calum cleared his throat. "Well, what do you have in mind. For the proposing thing." He explained further.

"I was thinking about taking a walk on the beach. Then while she looks at the sunset I get down on one knee and pop the question." Ashton had walked over to us and was leaning over the counter, resting on his elbows with his face in his hands.

"If she doesn't say yes I sure as hell will." Ashton said.

"Well we now know that proposal will get you Ash, do you have anything else in mind?" I asked knowing that Michael would've thought up a million other scenarios in his head.

"Actually, it's just the one." I looked at him surprised.

The guys finished up their food and took their plates to the sink. I stayed sitting thinking about Michael. He was getting married, I was so incredibly happy for the guy.

I couldn't help but imagine myself in his situation. I thought what it would be like to go out and buy a ring for Maeve. I was thinking about a lot of things really, I couldn't help the thoughts that popped up.

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