
505 10 11

5 August 2016, Los Angeles

31 days before tour

Getting off the plane my hands nervously gripped the suitcase strap. Even after wiping my sweaty hands off on my jacket they still were clammy.

After a long flight of not being able to contain my excitement I was suddenly hit with a tidal wave of emotions. I'm seeing Luke again, I'm seeing the guys again.

The times when we were parted filled me with such dread because all I wanted was to be near you, to be with you. Now that it's actually happening all these thoughts are flying by. What if you don't like what you see? What if you're feelings for me have changed?

"Stop stressing Maeve, you've got this. Everything's gonna be okay." I whispered to myself. I proceeded through the exit to the terminal. I grabbed my luggage and put the bag that I was carrying in my hands around my shoulder.

I was headed to the main terminal now, I suspected that the guys would already be here so I doubted I would have a few minutes to freshen up. I did stop for a few minutes to comb my hair and eat a mint. I did add a little bit of mascara, lipstic and spray just to be safe.

I just had to walk down this huge hallway and turn the corner then I'd find the guys at arrival. Slipping my glasses on I tried tidying up my hair one last time. I speed up a little bit passing the crowd of people I was in. I looked to my right to see the glass showcasing the planes and outside world.

I turned to my left to also see glass, staring into a crowd of people waiting for the poeple who just landed. I scanned the bodies searching desperately for one in particular.

Slumped over on one of the chairs Luke sat with his hands in his hair. It was Calum who saw me first, his wave caught Luke's attention causing him to sit up straight and look my way. My eyes landed on his incredibly long hair first. I stopped for a moment when he stood up. Still watching me he started walking to the gate I was suppose to exit from. Not breaking eye contact I started sprinting towards the end of the hall.

I only looked away from Luke to make sure I wasn't going to bump into anyone. When I turned the corner Luke stopped in his tracks. There was only an invisible line in the way of me and luke. Just a few steps and I'd be with Luke again.

Being only a few feet away from you had me realizing how insane all my previous thoughts were. I had no reason to doubt myself with you. You fill me with confidence and self love. With you I feel cared for and protected. With you I feel lo-

"Maeve" He said my name like it was his life line.

I dropped my bags and closed the distance between us. The force of colliding with him almost knocked the air from my lungs. His hands wrapped around my back lifting me up from the floor. I put my arms around his neck placing my hands on his neck to bring him closer to me. His hot breath caressed my neck and I happily welcomed it. His hands splayed flat on my back bringing me even closer, if that was possible at this point. He smelled so much better than what I remembered.

"I've missed you so much." I said with my cheek pressed against his shoulder.

"I thought my heart was gonna stop when I saw you." He breathed the words into my neck.

He loosened his grip putting me down.

"Why do you always seem to get taller." I joked tilting my head all the way up to look at him.

"Your just getting shorter." He said flicking my nose. I batted his hand away looping our arms. I only let go when I saw the girls appear from behind the guys. Avery and crystal had excited expressions plastered on their faces.

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