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2016, Los Angeles, February

"You're such a slut." Walking side by side, arms entwined, Cas said as we entered the club. The bouncer let us cut the line without question.

We passed two guys by the door, sat at a table with tins of paint. "You get the full experience with this on." He smirked, gesturing to the neon paint.

I wasn't all that surprised that cas wanted to come here. Body paint and neon lights. Sounds exactly like the wild exciting thing she'd be into. Since meeting her she's helped me a lot with getting out of my comfort zone.

"We'll come back later." Cas declined and walked off, pulling me with her.

She also helped me clothing wise. I'm wearing a V neck split thigh high dress. Cas was wearing something similar.

She lead me into the crowd. Pushing past all the poeple trying to get to the middle of the dance floor.

A man appeared out from the crowd and put his hand around her waist. She looked at his arm and swatted him away. "Think how fun clubbing would be if the guys just stayed home." I nodded along.

Even though she was a lot shorter than me cas was strong. When she wanted to she could come off as cold. No one dared approaching us after Cas made a point of swatting that guy away.

A new much more upbeat song started playing. I felt so awkward having to dance. Every move cas made was so graceful, so memorizing. She could have any guy in this club if she wanted too. Cas put her hands on my hips and started swaying. "Don't be so tense! Just move your body." It just wasn't working.

"Your more fun when your drunk." She commented, Reaching into her bra and pulling out a few hundred dollar bills. "Down a few shots and get back here."

I eagerly took the money. I love drinking. Forgetting about your problems and having the confidence to shake your ass is what I live for. There was a time when one drink was enough to get me stumbling around. Those days are long behind me. Don't get me wrong, I hate the taste of alcohol but I can't get enough of that feeling.

I spotted the bar and started pushing past poeple. The blue lights were the only illumination in the room. Bodies of yellow, red and green were moving in sync. Some jumping, some swaying but everyone was having a good time.

I sat down on one of the bar stools. The counter top was so sticky. There were a few groups of poeple huddled by the bar. I wasn't paying much attention to anyone. Cas told me 'Only talk to the guys who buy you drinks before approaching you.' As weird as it sounds I live by that.

"What would you like?" The barmen asked. He looked young. His black hair slicked back.

"Five of shots of tequila please"

I only drink a lot when I'm with Cas. She takes care of me, she won't let anything bad happen to me so I don't mind getting black out drunk. When I'm by myself I try and keep drinking to a minimal.

One by one the barmen set the drinks down in front of me. I grasped the glass and brought it up to my mouth. The smooth liquid went down my throat. I perched my lips and shut my eyes. I immediately downed the next one. I would never get used to the taste. The first two shots always make me feel like I'm drinking hand sanitizer.

After downing the rest I laid my head flat down on the table. I need a few minutes before standing up. I'd trip over my own limbs if I even attempted getting up. I swayed along to the music.

The barmen cleared his throat, i opened my eyes and slowly lifted up my head. He was stood with a glass of clear liquid in hand.

"I didn't order this," He slid it over to me. I inspected the drink but i couldn't figure out what it was. It didn't smell like anything."What is this?"

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