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Authors note: I just edited the chapters a bit differently, nothing in the story has changed. I just thought it would look better if chapter 9 and 10 were seperate.

Luke didn't leave last night, he not only stayed but we slept in the same bed. Waking up snuggling next to him was the best feeling ever. I couldn't stop smiling, a bright big smile spread across my face.

Do the guys know he's here? I mean where else could he have gone. I just hope they weren't stressed out or anything. I flexed my fingers before reaching out and gently placing my hand on his cheek. His stubble beard and lip ring made him look so much older I thought.

He was such a peaceful sleeper. His cheast rising and falling, his eyes fluttering every now and then. My skin felt warm and tingly being so close to him. I can't believe we got to know each other on a more personal level. Just a week ago we met in the most awkward way. We'll have today to talk about stuff and what we plan on doing moving forward.

I'm not on my phone much and I'm not active on social media. I'm not sure how'd we keep in touch if we decided to go that route. I think it would be easier to just say our goodbyes. In this industry we'll probably one day see each other again. If not we'll always the memories.

His blonde hair was so messy this morning, I ran my fingers through the long strands. His lips looked so inviting, ever since last night all I've been wanting to do is kiss him. When the thought of kissing him crossed my mind I immediately checked my breath. I needed to brush my teeth.

I tried getting off the bed without waking him. I scooted out from under his arm and walked to the bathroom.

I placed my toothbrush under the running stream of water and applied the toothpaste. I wetted it once more before brushing my teeth. I checked myself out in the mirror, I looked well rested. More importantly I feel super energized.

I don't have any of the guys numbers so I'll have to ask Luke to text them.

I spat out the toothpaste and gave myself a big smile in the mirror. Perfect. I quickly ran a comb through my hair before walking back into the room.

Luke was leaned against the bed frame, his head turned when I walked in.

"Morning." He greeted me with a raspy voice.

I walked over to him and placed my hands in his hair. "Your morning voice sounds so good."

He climbed out from under the blanket and swung his legs off the bed. "I hope you don't mind that I stayed over. Guess I fell asleep"

"I don't mind it all. It was a good way to wake up." I rubbed his scalp with my thumb earning a heavy sigh from Luke as I stood between his legs.

"What about the guys? Did they call?" He held my thigh while I played with his hair.

"Yeah, I checked my messages while u were in the bathroom," he brought me closer to him. "There were a few missed calls but they assumed we fell asleep. They'll come and get us later for some lunch."

He looked up and smiled at me. I still couldn't believe everything that happened between us. It happened so quick too, we didn't have much time so we speed things up. I don't regret any of it.

His hand wrapped around my other thigh. He got a firm grip on me before falling backwards onto the bed, taking me with him.

"I think we should do something stupid today." He said smirking. I adjusted my position on top of him before answering.

I didn't really understand what he was trying to say, "Why stupid?"

"It's our last day here. Let's make a memory that'll last." He looked at me with those blue eyes and it felt like I'd melt in his arms.

I nodded, i liked his idea. I wasn't sure what we were gonna do but I'm positive these guys will come up with something.

As luck would have it my phone started ringing. I got off of Luke and answered the phone, the familiar number flashing on the screen.

My manager's voice became clear, he sounded excited. He was rambling on about the show and how well it went. The record label was really happy with my performance at the charity. It seems like a few of the more famous performers there tweeted about me. This was fantastic news. I couldn't wait to tell luke.

With every bit of good news something bad followed. The phone call came to an end but I didn't feel as excited as I should.

"That was management." Luke nodded. "The event went really well. It seems like people liked my music and it's being talked about." I stared down at the sheets.

Luke seemed thrilled. A smile spread across his face and he brought me in for a hug. His arms held me whilst I rested my head against his shoulder. I wanted to savor this moment.

"You're being awfully quiet for someone who just received good news." I wrapped my arms around his waist. I wanted this moment to last forever.

"Management wants to seize this opportunity and have me release more songs. They want me to get started on an album." This was good news and yet I felt so glum about it.

Luke pulled back just a little bit so we could see each other. "That's sounds great! I'm so proud of you." He noticed my lack of a reaction. "Why am I more excited than you are?"

"They want me to leave as soon as possible. They've booked me a flight. I need to start packing up and then I have to go." I was leaving sooner than planned. I didn't feel ready to say goodbye.


Luke's pov

'Oh' was all I could say. I was still so happy for her but really disappointed that she had to leave so damn soon. Here we were talking about the stuff we'd do today. How we'd make a memory that would last.

Instead of something spectacular or crazy our last few moments together we packed. I helped her get her stuff together, folding her clothes while she made the bed. The room was filled with the sounds of footsteps and bags being moved.

The air hung heavy between us. We never did talk about what we'd do after this week ended. I let the guys know that she'd be leaving. She insisted that we go on with our plans for lunch while she headed over to the venue and finish up some stuff.

We didn't hug before she got in the cab, she said we'd hug once we saw each other again. That was enough of a promise to leave me feeling hopeful. She waved as the cab drove down the road and disappeared around the corner.

I'm sat here on the pavement waiting for the guys to get me. Head hung between my legs while I tightly hold onto myself.

It didn't hit me that she was gone until now. The time we spent together wasn't enough. There's so much we didn't get to talk about, so much I wanted to ask her. I didn't get to hold her enough.

Last night when she mumbled my name in her sleep i brought her closer to me.

It started out innocent enough. I thought she was cute and I was determined to get to know her. Does that qualify as a crush? I haven't known her that long but I know it's more than just attraction.

I'll see her again. I don't know when and I don't know in what situation but I'll see her again. I'll make sure of it.

Best Years - L.R.HTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang