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Every step was so difficult but with averys hand in mine I felt at ease. Deep breathes, in and out. Watching luke surf helped me keep my head clear. How he was able to stand on that board I just don't get. If I were to get on one of those it would just slip right out from under me.

When we stepped onto the wet sand I reluctantly continued on.

"Oh God I was hoping it would somehow be warm." Her fingers tensed around mine but I gripped her just as hard back when the water hit my feet.

"Mother fucker!" I yelled when a big wave came and brushed pash my shins.

Avery was flailing her arms the deeper we went in. We both at the same time saw a big wave come. It would reach our thighs.

"It's been good knowing you." Avery whispered through clenched teeth as the small but equally as scary wave approached.

It struck us and it felt like my toes had turned to icicles.

"Oh God how does Ashton fucking do this!" She let go of my hand jumping. A few droplets landed on me and I couldn't get away from her fast enough.

"Hey! Splash on your own side." We kept inching in forward into the water as we spoke.

"Ash said when your completely in the water starts to get better but I'm now realizing how full of shit he is." We both laughed loudly.

When I took another look at Luke he was laying flat down on his board staring out towards the horizon. He got up letting his legs hang off the board. He turned his body towards me and I saw him give a big wave.

When I realized it was for me and he was seeing me I felt the need to hide. Without giving it another thought I dove into the water. I couldn't get up fast enough after the first initial wave of shock struck me.

I stayed on my knees only letting the top half of my body be out. "Jesus christ. Next time we just tan." My teeth chattered as Avery gave in and dived in beside me.

Luke came up behind me with his board under his arm. "Well I'll be dammed here you guys are." He said genuinely surprised.

He ran to shore and stuck his board in the sand before coming back in. He ran so quickly his heavy steps made the water splash. I held my hands in front of my head stopping the water from getting on my already cold face. He knelt down beside me and brought me into his side.

I instinctively held my breath pulling my stomach in. Avery must've felt this was her que to leave. "Well I gotta go make sure no one eats our chips. Beside me of course." She gave a wave and then swam away.

"You look really good in that swimsuit." Luke whispered in my ear just incase Avery was still in hearing distance.

When she was out of the water he turned me around so that I was facing him. I hooked my legs around his hips as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You should come surfing with me. Like actually surf, we'll put you in two wetsuits so that you don't freeze." He dragged his thumb over my bottem lip.

"Aren't you afraid that a shark is gonna come while you surf and eat you or something." I joked resting my head on his shoulder. He straightened his legs so that the left side of my face wasn't in the water.

"Sharks don't do stuff like that. Movies make them seem like evil killers but their not." He went on.

"Someone's really passionate about sharks. Is there history?" Looking back up at him i could only think how pretty he was.

"Well we dated for a few months until I found a hair belonging to our neighbor on their side of the pillow." He fake pouted pretending to be sad.

"I'm so sorry to hear. I'll never bring the topic up again." He splashed me lightly with water, I retaliated by shoving him. He then shook his wet hair at me like a dog.

Best Years - L.R.HWhere stories live. Discover now