
542 11 3

Maeves pov

It's been an interesting night to say the least. If I didn't think the boys were fun before, I sure do now. After a few drinks they were just on a different wave length.

When I was done performing I sat down with the boys. Ashton thinks of himself as a mixologist, when in fact all he does is add tequila to everything. The only sober one's were me and Michael and that's because he's driving the guys back.

Calum and Ahston were such fun drunks. They didn't get inappropriate or aggressive like some of the men in my past did, they just really loved the Macarena.

Luke was only tipsy, he could really hold his drink. Of course I just stuck with Coke.

The fun part came when the boys had to perform. Michael had cal and ash down two bottles of water each just to sober up a little.

They still played well. I wasn't alone by the big table while they performed, Burda came and sat down next to me.

She told me the story of how she and her wife met. They met the summer before Burda went to university. They were determined to make it long distance. Sadly, after three years things got too hard. Burda wouldn't tell me what she was studying but she dropped out when Silvia broke up with her.

She flew back home and got the girl. Silvia's parent's were very against the relationship, sooo they moved to California and Burda got the first job she could find. This one.

Made me tear up not gonna lie.

When the boys got back they let Burda stay and drink with them. She has very dirty sense of humor, can't say I'm surprised.

Luke kept his hand on my thigh the whole night. He idly stroked circles and planted soft kisses on my hand when no one was paying attention. He was very gentle. I appreciated his softness.

The guys gave me a lift back to my hotel, Michael was very proud of his van. He and ash tried painting it green and blue so that it could resemble the mystery machine from scooby doo. You can tell they gave up really quickly.

Luke walked me up to my room. With a few drinks in he was super giggly. Everything I did made him laugh. Even my crappy dad jokes got to him. He really loved the one about the guy with a rubber toe.

When we got up to the room Calum texted luke that they were getting something to eat. I definitely wasn't in the eating mood so I declined. I was thrilled when Luke said he would stay with me until they were done.

I wasn't planning on lounging around in my jeans but I also wasn't going to walk around with my leg hair in its current state. I get lazy and well shaving isn't always a priority. I tried quickly shaving in the bathroom.

I put on my pajama shorts and left my hair down. I might have brushed my teeth and put on some lip gloss. It never hurts to have good breath, you never know when a tall blonde might wanna kiss you.

I opened the door to find Luke sprawled over on the bed. His hair was messy thanks to me playing with it in the car. He's facing the tv, watching some show I didn't know, curled up on my side of the bed.

He noticed I entered the room and patted the spot next to him. This wasn't our first time hanging out alone or even being this close physically. I'm just nervous, in the beginning I felt super awkward around him and the guys. Finding him attractive didn't help my case.

I got so panicky around him too. He's such a chill and funny guy I quickly got over that. I'm leaving Monday morning so we have tonight and tommorow. We haven't talked about making any plans for the future, maybe we'll only have tonight and tomorrow.

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