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"Is there any way we can stop by your house first." I asked pleading with Luke.

"We can't Maeve. I told them we'd be arriving there any minute. Can't leave my mom waiting." With a playful smile he again said no.

"What about you guys? I just wanna take a quick shower. Your mom can't meet me when I haven't showered in two days!!!" There's no way I was gonna meet his entire family like this.

Since the guys cars were still being shipped in we got a rental car.
Ash lived the furthest away so he'd be dropping all us off depending on who was closest. As fate would have it Luke's parents house was the closest from the airport. The guys first wanted to be dropped off at their places to unpack. Luke and I decided that since it's been a really long time since he's seen his family we'd be staying at their house for the first two days.

"No need to stress. We're all in the same predicament. Plus, i like you even if you smell like two day old cheetos." He placed kisses along my shoulders and collarbone. The seven of us were all packed into one car.

"Why couldn't we have taken separate cars." Avery complained with half our bags on her lap. Crystal was on Michael's lap in the passenger's seat while Calum got off scot free.

"For marketing reasons we're always together." Me and luke said at the same time, we turned to each other in realization.

"Awwwww their so cute." Avery commented.

"Why must you guys always make me feel so single." Calum said moving away from the seat. He pushed his knees in between the space separating the two front seats. Resting his arms on the headrest he got into a relaxed position.

"Calum! Your not single." I answered back recalling that there was a tall blonde in his life.

"I'm not taken either." With his head turned his long curls were visible. I ran my hands through the small twisted hairs feeling how soft they were. Visible chills went down his back.

"You should've invited her. Your gonna be the only single one here." crystal turning to Calum said. She had died her hair purple since the last time I saw her. She had a cap on at the airport so I didn't notice then the change in her hair. Michael had taken the hat from her and now wore it himself.

I had to admit I liked Michael's hair, he always went with the brightest most eccentric colors but the normal blonde suited him.

"I don't mind being alone. I'm the best company a person could ask for." He smugly said.

Turning the corner the guys in unison admired the area. They started with stories about how they grew up on these streets, the game's they'd play. Even told us how Michael and luke despised each other at a point. Had us all laughing talking about when Ashton almost didn't get into the band because he didn't wanna play fifa.

"I don't like Fifa either." Avery said from where she sat.

"See this is why we're the superior couple." Ashton eagerly looking into the rear view mirror said. Avery leaned over the seat giving him a quick kiss before falling back down.

"Here we are!" Luke exclaimed seeing the house. He had described his childhood home to me a few times. I recognized the tall blue walls. It belonged in every happy memory Luke told me about.

"Tell your mom I say hey." Ash shouted when we hopped out the car.

"Tell her I've missed her cooking!" Calum yelled as we closed the door. Grabbing the last of our bags we made our way to the front door. It was a small hill that lead up to his house.

"Say hey to your daaddddd ." Michael said rolling down the window. The car drove off and soon enough it was just the two of us.

"I'm really nervous." Being just a few steps away from Luke's family was nerve wrecking. If they didn't like me that would be that. Things between us would be over before they even started.

Best Years - L.R.HWhere stories live. Discover now