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Luke was now currently in the kitchen packing us a small picnic basket. He surprised me yesterday with a bunch of coloring books when he returned from the short trip.

There were ones that ranged from animals to mythical creatures. I suggested that we could color it in while having a small picnic. I'd been walking around yesterday in his garden and was taken aback by the fantastic view.

"Alright let's go." With a blanket hanging around his arm and a picnic basket in hand he seemed very chirpy.

I followed him to the sliding door where I took a step ahead of him and opened the door for him.

"Thank you m'lady." He jokingly said.

He laid the blanket down on the grass in the middle of the lawn. There was a big tree slanting to the side offering a bit of shade. I positioned the pillows specifically under the shade so that the sun would be out of our eyes.

"So what did you bring?" I asked tugging on my dress before sitting down.

"I brought cheese." He responded and I stayed quiet thinking he was joking.

Instead he opened the basket and placed a wooden serving board down. To my surprise there seemed to be two types of cheeses on there.

"We have brie and ricotta." He looked at the cheese the same time as me. I pulled my face unsure of what to make of it.

I picked up a piece of the brie that was cut up into wedges. I took a bite humming. "Cheese is nice." As weird as I thought it was he did make an effort.

"If I may ask, what lead to the cheese idea?" Peaking into the basket I saw a few other things laying around.

"I watched a few videos on pinterest and a lot of the edits had cheese in it, it felt like a better idea at the time." He nervously chuckled.

"Well I love cheese so good job." Giving his hand a squeeze I took another piece, opting for ricotta this time.

"But that's not all, I also brought champagne and crackers to put the cheese on." Neatly packing the stuff out he made it look very aesthetically pleasing. He really did watch a lot of pinterest videos.

"Oh shit." He mumbled under breath.

"What's up?"

"I forgot something inside." He said getting on his knees looking into the direction of the house.

"If it's more cheese just leave it inside." I laughed laying down. Getting comfortable on the pillow I looked up at him.

"Funny." He playfully flicked my nose before running to the house.

I was joking about the cheese but a small part of me expected him to bring out a whole wheel of it.

I was pleasantly surprised to see him bringing out a chocolate cake. I clapped excitedly and crossed my legs sitting back up.

"You are my lord and savior." I'd been craving cake for a while now. Inspecting the cake further it had a creamy topping with chocolate bits.

"Forks. Now." I was eager to take the biggest bite ever.

"Actually, I had an idea." reaching inside the basket he took out forks and two wine glasses. Instead of handing me the fork he gave me the glass.

I took it but didn't refrain from staring at him confused.

With the glass in hand he turned it over letting the cup hang down. He pushed it down into the edge of the cake and then tipped it back over.

"Ta daaaa. I saw this one on pinterest too." He said the last part leaning more into my direction.

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