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"So you've never had tacos before?" Luke said surprised, he pulled his face in such a way that his forehead was littered with wrinkles.

"Yes, For the millionth time yes!" I yelled as I threw my hands up in annoyance.

"Wow, I can't believe it." He cracked a smile.

"I didn't know this would upset you so much." I teased while poking his side.

We're both seated on the couch a small distance away from each other. With my head resting on the arm rest I stared at the ceiling.

"I just feel like I don't know you anymore." he said sarcastically while blowing out air.

I moved around uncomfortably placing more cushions under my back for support. Thanks to these huge tits that I carry around my back is always sore. Sometimes I just lay down in weird positions to see if it lessens the strain on my back.

"Is there anything else you haven't told me?"

I did a 180 so that my legs were now hanging over the back of the couch. Luke seemed very intrigued but wisely didn't question my decision.

"My pinkie toes are very odd." I admitted. I don't know why that's the first thing that popped into my head.

"Care to further elaborate?" He Interlocked his fingers, and stretched his arms over his head, his palms facing the ceiling. He exhaled and brought his arms back down, resting his left arm on my calf.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't forget my entire fucking sentence.

"Nope." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Real mature." He rolled his eyes, I needed him to do that again.

"what?" he asked, brows furrowed, with a sly smile.

"What?" I looked at him confused as to what prompted that response.

"You just said 'I need him to do that again', did I not hear you correctly?" A half smile tugged on his lips.

Did I actually say it out loud. I think a lot of weird shit.What if I just start saying them all out loud. What if I've always said them out loud! I'm gonna need to apologize to a lot of people if so.

"I have no clue what your talking about." I tossed my head back, dangling it off of the couch. I couldn't look at him right now.

"Oh, you don't want me doing this again." I felt the couch shift as he came closer.

I refused to look at him, I'm not giving him the satisfaction of knowing he was right.

"Oh come on! I'm giving you my best eye rolls!"

"I don't need them! You heard wrong!"
I exclaimed covering my eyes.

Luke's phone started ringing, a very familiar tune started playing. 'Californication' by Red Hot Chilli Peppers. You could tell his music taste by the shirts he wore, he was currently wearing a 'sleeping with sirens' band T.

Luke grabbed the phone and walked into the kitchen. It was his idea to come here after today's incident, I always look back on the situations I find myself in and wonder what I could've done differently. With that guy today I should've knocked his teeth out.

The guys were still at the venue. They'd be coming over in a few hours, hopefully bringing food.

I straightened my back and laid down horizontally on the couch again. My social battery was in dire need of a recharge. Luke wasn't draining to be around,

"The boys will be back later, they're maybe bringing pizza." he yelled from across the room. That was the best possible outcome.

He walked back over. "What songs are you planning on performing tomorrow?"

Best Years - L.R.HWhere stories live. Discover now