Chapter 78

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The coughing sound of a man echoed throughout the chilly room. Dean's eyes began to open weakly, only to see the white ceiling above him. He blinked a few times gently until his vision became clear once again. The first thing that came to his empty mind was the thought of Giselle. He was hoping that the person inside the room was his woman. Unfortunately, not every hope would come true as he wished. His sad pupils shifted slightly to the right, to realize that there was a bag of IV fluid hanging up above him. The unexpected pain from his left deltoid jolted him quite a bit when he tried to sit up. 

"Oh, you're awake, Mr. Winchester. How are you feeling now?"

Dean's brows drew together immediately when he noticed the familiar face of a female doctor. "You are?" His voice raised in puzzling.

"I am Dr. Ma, or you can just call me Luna. You've lost quite a lot of blood earlier, which was the reason why you've passed out. I've taken out a bullet from your arm by the way, while you were unconscious. Just make sure you don't move that arm too much since it could tear the stitches apart."

Dean nodded his head slowly as his dark gaze turned to stare at the white bandage that wrapped around his upper muscular arm. He swallowed hard when the old memory flashed across his head. The image of Giselle gently cleaned his wound with care made Dean's lips frowned involuntarily. 

How come the person standing in front of me right now is not you, Giselle? Is it bad that I wished you were here? I wished that I didn't leave you... but I can't stand seeing my people getting hurt anymore, Giselle. It will be better, will it? If I take a break from you, will it help to keep you safe and everyone around me protected? 

Dean straightened his lips as his expression switched back to serious. In a cold toned voice, he said, "I will have my men send the money to the hospital. Thanks for the help." His eyes shifted back to focus on Luna, waiting for her response.

How come when another woman takes care of me, I still don't feel the same way as when I was with Giselle? Is this what love truly is? Or, am I just imagining stuff?

Luna stood awkwardly when Dean's gaze sharply glared in her direction. The memories from the past stirred her mind, making her heartbeat sped up nervously. Ever since that day, she was never expected to hear any appreciation words coming out from this man's mouth. Her eyes widened a bit in shock before a fake smile quickly appeared on her lips. "Oh, for sure. You're welcome. Thank you, sir."

Dean quickly stood up from the bed, and then pulled the IV needle out of his hand.

"You're not supposed to do that-" Luna blurted out, trying to stop him. It was too late as his blood-splattered a bit onto the floor and his black clothes. "Uh... I guess it's okay then... I hope you're fine."

Dean didn't care much as he proceeded toward the door. He grabbed the doorknob and prepared to leave. Suddenly, his body came to a pause and then turned around to look at Luna once again. "Are you Giselle's friend?"

Luna's eyes grew big and nodded quickly. "Yes... We... Yes, I am."

Letting the doorknob go, Dean took a step closer to the female physician. "I'm just asking. I saw the news about what had happened to her family. Do you happen to know if any of her family members got sent here?"

She shook her head almost too immediately and then responded with both hands waving in the air. "No, no. I don't know." One part of Luna was afraid that Dean would be the culprit who went after her friend's family.

Dean stayed quiet for a few seconds as he studied her eyes that tried to avoid his. After realizing that she would probably never going to be telling him, he decided to leave the room without further conversating.

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