Chapter 51

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As usual, Dean jolted wide awake to sit up in the bed when the same nightmare of his mother shooting him appeared in his dream again. He wiped away his cold sweat that was dripping down his forehead as he breathed hard in panic. As soon as he came to realize that his left hand was handcuffed to another person, his racing heart started to slow down while he turned his head to look at Giselle who was deeply asleep facing his side. He couldn't help but lift his hand to caress her cheek in a slow-motion and then tucked a strain of her hair behind her ear.

His heart that he thought was calmed had suddenly sped up once again. He wondered why it always beat at a faster pace whenever he was near her. Was it normal to feel this way? Was it normal to feel the heat in your face and body? As he gazed at her softly, he almost loses his control to lean in and kiss her. She looked too peaceful to him. She was like a flower that he wanted to just take care of and look at it from afar. She was too good that he was afraid to plug her out to label her as his. His thought disappeared quickly the second her eyes began to open in weak movements.

When her gazes shifted to meet his, Giselle wasted no time to get up and attempted to run away. Dean stared at her back while his cuffed hand got yanked up by her aggressively. She turned to glare at him the second that she realized one of her wrists was cuffed. Dean saw her stopped moving while her eyes grew wider. When she didn't say anything due to her mixed up emotion, Dean decided to ask, "Can we talk now?"

Giselle found his question sounded ridiculous for a hot second after the memory of last night reoccured inside her head. Grabbing one pillow off the bed, she raised it to hit him in the face with full strength. How could he expect her to be calm when he handcuffed her? How could she listen to him when his action from last night spoke louder than his reasoning? Giselle thought as she clenched her teeth while shooting him a piercing glare.

"Let me go! How dare of you to handcuff me? What did I do wrong? Let me go!" She demanded at the same that she tried to pull herself away from him by yanking her cuffed hand repeatedly. Dean grasped the pillow that was covering his face and then threw it onto the floor. He jerked his cuffed hand forward which drew her closer to him before he used that chance to force her over so that she could sit between his thighs. In fear, she raised her voice at him. "What are you doing? I'm not your slave. Do you think I will appreciate it that you saved me from drowning after you were the one to threw me into that damn cold lake? Ugh! I am wrong to believe in you."

Dean held both of her wrists tightly to prevent her from pushing him away while his other hand wrapped around her shoulder strongly. Her body was shaking while her facial expression was pale as if she was seeing a ghost.

What happened last night had made Giselle scared of Dean. She still remembered the feeling of losing her body strength to some sort of drugs before she got shot in the abdomen by his father. Although the pain from the bullet alone was killing her physically, the greater pain was the moment when she witnessed him, who she thought she liked, threw her into a lake. That moment replayed inside of her head over and over. The feeling of not being able to breathe with the hopelessness of surviving inside endless dept water, where she couldn't reach either gasp for air, was still lingering in her mind. She had never wanted to live more until that very moment. She questioned all life and death questions that she could think of while she was sinking deeper to the bottom of the lake. In the end, she thought that it would be her last second to just feel the coldness of the water, the numbness of a painful gunshot in her abdominal, and to hear the bubbling sound inside of her head.

Her screaming sound stopped and followed by her whimpering voice. She cried in his arms, not knowing what he would do to her. She didn't expect that Dean would be so cruel to her just because her father wrongly arrested him. She had no clue about anything, but she ended up being the one to get blamed. Giselle couldn't understand Dean at all. She had been trying to explain to him, but he seemed to had never listened to her words.

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