Chapter 28

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Arriving at The Cobra Club, Giselle couldn't stop herself from feeling excited. She sat on the stool waiting for her drink while she waved at Vincent and Luna who were on the dance floor. Her intention wasn't only to be here to meet a man called Dean, but it was to help her two friends to get close to one another as well. She noticed that something was off between those two ever since the day they returned back to Las Vegas.

"Miss, your drink is here." A bartender said, drawing Giselle's attention around. She thanked him and took the drink happily.

She took a sip of the burning liquid while her eyes searched the club for Dean. Taking out her phone to check the time, she exhaled out loud. The last time when she met him, it was also around this time. However, this time, there was no trace of him. He was nowhere to be seen. Giselle frowned before she gulped down the rest of her drink.

The following day, she decided to go find him at one of the most popular casino called The Cobra casino. She knew that she probably won't get to see him since she had no appointment to meet him.

After getting out of work, she drove straight to the casino. She walked in and groaned at the same time in irritation when the strong smell of cigarettes and alcohol struck her nose. She wandered around in confusion before she gathered the courage to ask one of the securities, who looked grumpy and mean.

"Excuse me, I have a question." She said in a weak voice caused him to turn around to glare at her.

He furrowed his brows and asked back in a serious tone of voice, "What can I do for you, Miss?"

Her heart started to beat fast when she got frightened a little by his voice. Cleared her throat nervously, she replied, "Is there any way I could do... so that I could meet up... with Mr. Dean Winchester?"

The security stared her up and down as he raised his hand up to grab a small black device on his collar to speak. "Hey, do you mind doing a check-up for me? There is a young lady here demanding to meet up with Mr. Dean Winchester. Do you know if he has any appointments with anyone tonight?" He paused for a couple of seconds as he listened to the earpiece in his ear carefully. "Okay, thank you."

Giselle faked a smile with hope as she waited for him to reply to her.

The security fixed his collar and said, "I don't think you can meet up with our boss tonight. Is there anything else you need?"

She shook her head and replied, "Oh, I'm good. Thank you." Her lips formed a frown as she turned to walk away.

I just wanted to meet him. I didn't get to say thank you for saving me that night. As well as to apologize for the other night that I blamed him for hurting my people. He got injured because of me too many times. I feel so bad and guilty. She thought hopelessly while she was making her way to her car.

As she approached her car, she took out the key remote to unlock the car door. The moment she grabbed her car door's handle, she felt a gun pointed toward her back. For a second, a smile crept up on her face when the first person that came to her mind was Dean Winchester.

Giselle turned around with a bright smile only to come face to face with a strange man. Her purse and key dropped to the ground when she felt a sudden chill down on her spine. A mid-age looking man in front of her demanded with a serious voice, "Come with me,"

Her heart pounded fast against her chest as her stomach felt empty. She swallowed hard as she nodded her head. Moving step by step, the man held the gun against her back at the same time he tried to walk her to a white van.

Where are they taking me? Are they going to kill me? I think I am going to pass out. Is this a dream? I need to wake up. She questioned herself in panic.

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