Chapter 38

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It had been a few hours since he got back to his room. After he got his stitches checked by Dr. Luna Ma, his phone's text-sound echoed the room. Dean checked his phone quickly when he noticed his father's phone number.

As soon as he finished reading the text, he sprinted out of the room, directed himself towards the elevator. He pressed the tenth-floor button while he waited in anxiety. He cursed underneath his breath as his heart began to beat faster. The moment the door slid open, he ran out without hesitation.

The floor was not fully constructed. Dean wandered around to find the iron door at the end of the hallway, like how the text had instructed. He kicked it open before it showed a group of men behind it. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" He yelled out loud as he made his way to the outside of the rooftop.

Bowen Winchester was smoking his cigarette on a chair while he was watching his men busy beating up Ivan and Leo.

Dean widened his eyes as he felt a rush of blood to his face. Closing his hands into fists, Dean ran towards his father. "Tell them to stop!" He demanded. The old man didn't reply besides acting like his son wasn't there. Dean pulled his father up aggressively by his collar before he called him louder, "You, liar!"

The old man's eyes shifted slightly to meet Dean's before he chuckled with a smug face. Raising his right hand up, Bowen placed it onto Dean's right chest before he dug his fingers into the wound. Dean yelled in pain at the same time he released his father's collar. He fell down onto his knee when the pain was unbearable. Dean covered his right chest with one hand, while he stared at his father's fingers that were covered with his blood.

"Did you forget that you are no longer one of us?" Bowen said coldly. The old man kicked his son in the chest caused him to fall onto his back. Glaring down at Dean, he shook his head slightly. "I told you to come here so that you can watch these two useless bastards die, not for you to tell me what to do. What a bold asshole."

Breathing heavily, Dean struggled to get up. As soon as he stood on his feet, he asked through his gritted teeth. "Didn't you say that you would leave me alone? Tell them to fucking stop now."

The old man motioned his men to stop with a hand wave before he replied, heartlessly, "I said I would leave you alone, but it doesn't mean that I would leave them alone." He chuckled as he drew his gun out. "This is none of your business, Dean. You were the one who asked to quit. As a father, I had to give you what you've asked for. You can't blame me." Bowen raised his gun up and shoot Leo in the head in a split second.

Dean, who wasn't expecting his father to actually shoot, screamed. "No!" He watched with his flaming eyes as Leo's body fell onto the floor. Without hesitation, he punched his father in the face causing Bowen to fall back a few steps. Dean didn't stop as he stole the gun from the old man's hand. While Dean was aiming the gun at his father, prepared to shoot him, the men in black raised their gun up to point at his back from afar.

As soon as Ivan realized that they were about to pull their trigger to shoot his boss, he pushed them away with a full force before he ran to hug Dean from behind. Dean paused for a second when he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist tightly. Until the sound of a few consecutive gunshots echoed the rooftop, that was when Dean realized that Ivan was shielding him from the bullets.

He turned immediately to grab Ivan's body as he felt like his whole world had suddenly stopped spinning. He placed Ivan onto the floor while his tears started to shed. His trembling hand traveled up to touch Ivan's face, who was coughing up his own blood.

While breathing hard, Ivan whispered weakly to Dean, "Boss... Sorry that... we can no longer... protect you..." He gasped for air for the last time before he stopped breathing. Dean sobbed quietly when Ivan stopped talking. He shifted his eyes up to see Leo was lying in a pool of his own blood with his eyes open.

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