Chapter 108

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It was past noon by the time they got changed into the gym outfit. In the car, Giselle asked when noticing that they were getting out of the city. "Where are we heading? I thought you are going to teach me at the gym or one of your places in the city."

Dean glanced over briefly before accelerating the car. "My father's house. He has everything."

"Oh," She went quiet. Dean smirked after seeing her reaction from the corner of his eyes. "Why? Are you worried that it will be haunted?"

"No. Definitely not. I worked in the hospital. If something like that scares me-"

"Shit, did you see that old man standing off the road earlier?" Dean's voice turned serious.

Giselle straightened her back immediately as she turned around to look back at the road. "I don't see nobody."

"I swear he was just standing there earlier. I thought he needed a ride or something. He was waving at us." He said as he slowed the car down.

"Dean, what are you talking about? I didn't see anyone. Was he on the left side of the road?"

He turned his head to check the rearview mirror and then replied, "He's still there, Giselle. He's on the right side. He should have been on your side. How could you not see him?"

"Dean, stop! I don't see anyone. You're joking, aren't you?"

Dean noticed how flustered she got as she began to turn around uncomfortably inside the passenger seat. Her facial expression displayed anxiousness as she checked the mirror and then leaned closer to the driver's seat, seizing his arm.

"Oh! He's right there!" He raised his voice suddenly, making her tighten the grip around his arm immediately.

"Ah! Why are you slowing down? I don't see anything!"

Before he could utter the next line, she began to bury her face into his bicep while her nails dug into his thin short sleeve tee forcefully.

"Dean, go! I am scared now! Why are you slowing down?"

After a few seconds of silence, he couldn't help but burst out laughing at her reaction.

As soon as she caught up with what he was doing, she raised her head back and then glared at him fiercely. "What the hell, Dean?"

"You said you weren't scared, so I was just testing out." He chuckled as he stepped on the gas pedal again.

Unexpectedly, she slapped him on the arm with full strength before shrugging loudly.

"Save your energy for later." He muttered with a grin on his face.

"I will beat the living sense out of you." She mumbled in annoyance.

Dean's hand fished for hers, regardless of how she tried to shove his away. After he managed to grab a hold of her wrist, he linked his fingers with hers. "I am looking forward to it as always."

When they arrived, a group of men in blacks hurried to open the gate. Dean parked the car at the front of the entrance before tossing his key to one of his men. Without hesitation, he walked around the car to open the door for Giselle. "Careful," He murmured as he watched her slowly step out.

"Is this..." She whispered while her eyes scanned the large mansion surrounded by the garden.

"Welcome to my house." He said before wrapping one arm around her shoulder.

"Is this where you live?" She puzzled in amazement.

He nodded. "Not currently, but used to." He corrected as his hand guided her to walk towards the big tall black tinted glass door.

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