Chapter 100

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Dean turned his head slightly to give her a peck on her cheek before he withdrew from her arms. "I am not sad about losing him, Giselle." He said in a deep rough tone. Her face froze as she anticipated him to continue. "You don't need to worry about me." He added as he began to stroke her cheek with one hand. "If you are curious about what I want right now, it would be you." Her eyes slanted slightly to glance at his hand before coming back to meet his indifferent gaze. "It's okay if you need sometimes to emotionally accept everything. But, I want you to come back home with me after you are fully recovered. I don't want you to stay in the hospital, away from my sight-"

The door suddenly swung open behind Dean as Vincent stepped in. "She will not be discharged anytime soon if that is what you are concerned about." He cuts off sharply, drawing both Dean's and Giselle's attention.

"Vincent!" She called his name in a tone that sounded too enthusiastic to Dean's ear.

Dean glanced down at Giselle, who was smiling brightly at the man in his white coat. He did not enjoy the sight of it as she tilted her head to get a better view. She was his and will always be his. But he seemed to not be able to control this one belonging of his at all. Other men may have their eyes on her, but they would never get the chance to lay their finger on her if he doesn't allow them to. Dean thought. He wanted to make her comprehend that. His sole intention was to protect her and keep her happy. But, her happiness seemed to be no other than this bastard physician standing inside the room. Dean did not like how close she is to another man. It didn't matter to him if they were in a friend type of relationship. He knew better than anyone that nobody acted out as who they are besides hiding behind that mask they wear. The only reason he allowed Vincent to be one of the care providers for Giselle was that they are friends. Not to him, obviously. It was all for Giselle. As long as he could make her happy, safe, and comfortable, Dean would not be regretting on making such stupid decisions and exceptions. One thing, he for sure forbids, was allowing Vincent to touch her more than what may be required, in terms of clinical and medical needs. Giselle was permitted to hang out with whomever she wanted, but he would make sure that at the end of the day, she would belong to no other than him. Dean wanted to set out those rules, but he did not have the gut to do so, just yet.

Seeing her in the patient's outfit awaken his conscience again that she was weak, physically and emotionally. Dean had to hold his breath, suppressing all of the emotion of dislike towards Vincent for her. He did not know why he feel like he wanted to grab Vincent by his throat and drag him back out of the room the minute Giselle flashed him that kind smile. He wished she did the same to him instead of crying for her father. Dean thought to himself, feeling petty for the little thing he did not receive from the one he called love. The presence of another man in the room made Dean's heart jump inconsistently. It was like that of a mad dog who kept on barking and pulling on the leash, watching the strangers trampling on their property. He was on edge when hearing the giggling sound of that man.

His brows grew tensed as he turned around to face Vincent. His hand moved swiftly to place behind Giselle's back. He did not bother to step out of the way regardless of Vincent pushing a cart closer to the bed.

The bastard would have never set foot in this room if only I did not allow it. Look at that stupid grin on his face. Dean clenched his teeth as he gave a judgemental look directly at Vincent.

"Hey, naughty. I finally caught up with you wide awake this time." He said with a wide smile that almost tore his face in half. Dean felt as if he got mocked when he observed the male physician make his way to the other side of the bed, instead of waiting for Dean to move. "I'll be checking your viral real quick." He then pulled out the blood pressure cuff to wrap it around Giselle's arm.

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