Chapter 11

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It had been almost a week that Giselle waited for him to come back to see her at the mansion, and the hospital. It seemed that he had forgotten about his blazer and her already. She sighed out loud at the thought of never going to see him again.

"Giselle," Vincent called her name when he noticed her spacing out at the lunch table. Giselle blinked once and then flashed Vincent and Luna a fake smile. "Are you good? I've been noticing you spacing out a lot lately. Is there anything you want to talk about?"

She shook her head then continued on eating her spicy Italian subway sandwich. Luna stared at Giselle who had been more reserved than usual. "We are leaving the state soon." Luna began as she came up with an idea to cheer her friend up. "Can we go clubbing tonight?" Her voice became softer all of a sudden.

Vincent sent her a look, but she pouted at him. He glanced at Giselle then back to Luna. "If Giselle goes, then I will go too." Now, both doctors turned to look at Giselle while waiting for an answer. She swallowed her food, and then replied, "Aren't you guys tired? You both need to rest more." They both shook their head then flashed her a grin.

As midnight approached, Giselle showered then changed into a black silky short dress with a deep V-neck that exposed her cleavage. Putting on a small diamond necklace with a small pair of diamond earrings, Giselle looked at herself in the mirror. She pulled out the brown-orange matte lipstick then applied it onto her lips as she was finishing up her make up. She curled her silky dark chocolate-colored hair to create a bit of wave at the end. 

After Giselle puts on her black high heels, her phone lit up followed by a sound of her message. She checked to see the text from Vincent, letting her know that he had arrived. Giselle grabbed her purse, and phone before she made her way out. The moment she reached the living room, her mother asked her, "Where the fuck are you going so late at night dressing like a whore?" 

Giselle clenched her teeth and tried to ignore it as she continued making her way to the entrance. Her mother didn't stop as she started to raise her voice, "Bitch, are you ignoring me now? Do you not see me as your mother in your eyes? Fine! Just get the fuck out of the house, and don't come back. If I ever find out you are pregnant with some bastards out there, I will make sure to cut you out of the family's name. Just get lost! I am not your mother, and you are not my fucking daughter either!" Giselle felt her eyes were getting warmer. To hold back her tears, she tightened her grip around her purse even more. Blinking rapidly, she continued to walk out, leaving her mother stood there screaming. "I should have killed you on the day you born, you stupid wench! Now, go! Don't ever come back again!"

Giselle walked to Vincent's car that was outside of the gate with a frown on her face. Should I still go, she questioned herself in frustration as her mother's words lingering in her head. Those painful words replayed again and again inside of her. Looking up at the starry night sky, she blinked a few more times to tried to hold her tears back. As she approached Vincent's car, she noticed that Luna was also sitting with him at the passenger seat. Seeing them waving at her with their bright smiles, Giselle faked a smile back. Not wasting any more time, Giselle closed the gate behind her then hopped in the backseat of the car.

As Vincent's car took off, Giselle asked, "So, which nightclub are we going to tonight?"

Luna turned around to smirk at the person in the backseat. "We've never been to this one. Vincent told me that his friends took him there once and the place was super popular and high class. Since we club together once in a while, I think it will be worth it to go somewhere that is popular and pretty." The three friends laughed then sang inside the car while on their way to the club.

The car arrived in a big parking lot that was filled with all types of luxurious cars. Giselle looked around when she got out of the car. "This club belonged to one of the most powerful business groups. I forgot what they're called, but let's go in." Vincent said with an exciting tone of voice, as he placed both of his arms around Giselle and Luna. 

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