Chapter 47

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It had been a month ever since the last time Giselle saw Dean. She had been waiting for him days and night. Each minute, her hope of seeing him started to disappear. Her father scolded her for secretly taking care of him behind his back. He threatened to send her away ever since the disappearance of Dean. All of the evidence, which her father had gathered, had gone missing. Everything about him disappeared as if he had never existed. There was no news about him neither his trace in the city.

Giselle's eyes stared blankly into space as she gulped in her lunch. She wanted to explain everything to him. She didn't want him to think that she was on her father's side. She questioned herself every day of where he could have been. She went to the cobra's casino and the cobra's club, but there was no trace of him. He must've forgotten about me. She thought as she chewed onto her sandwich with a frowned face.

Vincent and Luna glanced at each other before they sighed out loud. They didn't understand what was wrong with her for the past month. She had not been smiling a lot ever since. Unlike any other time, she had stopped going out with them. There would be time, where she had to serve a patient on the seventh floor, and she would end up crying for no reason.

Vincent cleared his throat before he decided to ask with a fake smile. "I'm getting out of work early today. Do any of you want to go clubbing or grab dinner together?" His eyes turned to look at Giselle, hoping for a response. When she didn't look back nor reply, Vincent shifted his gaze to look at Luna for help.

Luna took a sip and then faked an awkward laugh. "I think we should pick out a fancy restaurant for tonight's dinner. I've been craving for lobster. Giselle, do you have any restaurant in mind that we should try?"

Giselle blinked a few times and replied in a low tone of voice, "I don't know. I think you can try the one behind The Cobra's casino. I heard it is a five-star restaurant. You guys can go without me. I'm sorry. I just don't feel like it." She flashed them a sad grin to ensure them before she took a sip of her water. "Maybe next time, okay?" She added with a bit of a cheerful sound.

All of a sudden, Vincent's phone began to ring. He answered quickly before he hurried to hang up and then started to clean up his foods. "I have to go. There is a man, who got shot, being sent in."

Giselle paused eating as she stood up instantly. "I, I will go too." Both Vincent and Luna turned to stare at her with a puzzling look. Vincent didn't know what was the cause of her weird actions. She started to act strangely every time a new male patient was coming in. Both Vincent and Luna weren't sure if she was searching for someone or just tried to keep herself busy. He nodded at Giselle and then started to make their way out of the cafeteria.

After Giselle found out that the man, who got shot, was not Dean Winchester, she felt despair once again. Although she was relieved that at least Dean was not the one to get hurt, apart of her felt upset that she didn't get to meet him. When she was done with the help that Vincent needed, she excused herself to the restroom. She locked herself in there before she broke down into tears.

Quietly, she blamed herself. She advised Dean to forgive her father, but she had never told her father to forgive him. It was all her fault that Dean got arrested by her father. Who would have expected that her father would have wrongly accused him? She asked her father to show her the proof, but he didn't have anything to prove Dean's mistake. Giselle felt like she was going crazy when she had to make her decision between her father and Dean. She didn't know when it had started, but her feeling towards Dean grew stronger than how she expected it to be.

She couldn't bring herself up to call it love because she was afraid that it wasn't. What she knew best was that she felt pity for him. He had told her that he had nobody left. The painful past, that marked him all over, must've made him felt so lonely and scared. Giselle thought as tears rolled down across her cheeks. If it wasn't her father, who had took the mother from him, Dean wouldn't have to go through all of this. He wouldn't have to live with the fear of losing people around him.

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