Chapter 33

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After changing from a black turtleneck dress into a casual outfit, Giselle made her way towards the mirror. She checked her make up to make sure that her bruise on her face won't show. She sighed as she felt relieved and then fixed her turtleneck sweater to hide the red hickey. 

As she sat down on the chair, she pulled out her phone to call Vincent. The moment he answered, she asked in a worried tone of voice. "Hey, Vincent! Where are you now? Are you okay? I will go to see you now."

His voice replied weakly through the phone, "Yes, I am okay. Thank you for taking me to the hospital. How about you? Are you okay?"

Sighing out loud, she smiled to herself. "Don't worry, I am fine." She said softly. "I will head straight to the hospital to see you now. Do you want anything to eat? I will get you some fruit."

"It's fine. They're going to give me my dinner soon." He paused for a few seconds and then continued, "I am relieved and happy to hear that you are okay." 

Vincent coughed a few times before Giselle hurried to end the conversation. "Take some rest. We can talk more when I get there." After hearing him replied with an okay, she immediately hung up the call. Grabbing her purse, she hurried out of her bedroom.

As soon as she reached the hospital, Vincent sent her a text of his room number. When she was walking past the entrance door, a group of five men in blacks started to sprint in. One of them ran up to the receptionist demanding loudly for a doctor. When the receptionist lady was asking him to fill up the form first, he yelled and then pulled out his gun to aim at her head.

Suddenly, Giselle got pushed aside by one of the men in blacks. She stumbled a few steps backward before her gaze shifted up to glare at them. One of them was piggybacking someone. Her eyes widened in confusion as soon as she spotted Dean Winchester. He was unconscious. His face was a bloody mess while each strain of his hair was dripping drops of blood. She took a few steps closer and stopped when she realized what she was doing. 

She told herself to ignore him, otherwise, she would keep involving with him. She closed her hands in fists as she tried to remind herself of what happened last night. A person like him deserved it. There was nothing between Dean and her. There was no reason for her to care for him at all. They were just strangers. There was nothing that happened besides that one night. Everything was all a trap that he planned for her to walk in. Now that he got what he wanted, Giselle would never want to lose anything else more to that man. It was enough. That night should be the end of them. 

Swallowing hard, she turned around and directed her way to the elevator. She felt her body was shaky. Was it worried? Was it anger? She cursed to herself as she tried to get him out of her head. On her way, she encountered Luna who was sprinting down the hallway. 

"Giselle!" She called.

Flashing Luna a smile, Giselle asked, "Hey! I am coming to see Vincent. Where are you rushing to?"

Luna paused in her step in front of her friend. She replied breathlessly, "I just got called in for emergency surgery. Okay, no time to explain. I have to go. See you later!" After that, she ran off quickly.

Giselle turned to look at where her friend had run off to. The elevator slid open. Meanwhile, she stood in hesitation. 

Should I go to see him? What's happened to him? He was all good earlier this morning. Why does he like to hurt himself so much? His face was brutally beaten. That stupid bastard was so strong. It is impossible for a person like him to get beaten up that brutal. Who did this to him? Could it be a trap? If he thinks that he could set up another trap, to just get me to come closer to him again, then he is wrong. If he thinks that he could mess with my emotion and my head, then he is wrong. I will never ever going to fall for the same trick ever again.

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