Chapter 97

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"Boss, where are you going?"

Dean strode across the lobby as his men began to rush after him. "We are heading straight to the hospital. I want you and you to come with me." He commanded while pointing his index at two men that he walked past. After Richard left the casino, Dean knew that he couldn't wait any longer just to take Giselle out of the hospital. Knowing that her father was going to get killed by the Singaporean mob, Dean feared that Giselle would also fall into the inevitable danger that her father brought.

His pulse was beating uncontrollably thinking about how vulnerable the situation was for Giselle. He had so little time to find her and protect her. It felt somewhat like a dream. A dream that he thought would never come true. Dean could hear his heartbeat drumming inside his chest and head. It was driving him crazy with every step he takes.

He shouldn't have let Richard Chu out too soon. Dean gritted his teeth and closed one hand tightly until his knuckles turned white. If anything happens to Richard Chu, the next target would be Giselle. Dean was not sure if the other mafia knows that the woman whom he was overprotective most was still alive.

One of the men told the driver through his earpiece to drive up the car while his feet were striding at a much faster pace than his boss towards the entrance.

Dean's brows were tightly held as he noticed a black car pulled up. He hopped in the second that his man opened the backseat door.

Halfway to the hospital, Dean noticed a familiar car was parked off the road in an odd position. He commanded his driver to slow down when he caught sight of whom the driver in that other car was. When his car came to a stop, Dean hurried to get out. He walked over to the driver's side of the smoky car before he came face to face with Richard Chu's bloody face that looked always unrecognizable. At the region right above Richard's left ear, a dark red oozing blood marked a hole of the bullet that pierced his head. Dean lost in speech as he watched the man across from him. At this point, he was not sure of how to feel or react. Should he be sad or happy now that his most hated man was gone? Just a second ago they were talking. Just a few months ago he wanted to forgive him. Now that he was gone, Dean felt somewhat confused. The only guilt feeling that stirred inside his stomach was the knowledge that this man is Giselle's father. Dean would be careless if Richard was never related to his woman and mother. But now he feared that Giselle would hate him for doing nothing but stand still and watch her father's life being taken. Therefore, the only way for his next step was to keep Giselle out of this dark mystery. It was something that she should never find out. It would only bring danger if she realized the truth. But that may happen later. Dean preferred it to be that way nonetheless. The later it takes her to find out, the safer it may be for her. At least she would not act too irrationally. Not for now.

"Boss, there's a note stuck in the car windshield." A cobra man reported at the same time he picked up the white piece of paper that was folded in half to conceal the information between it.

Dean turned to look as his man handed it over. He didn't hesitate as he seized the folded paper and then opened it to read.

Don't stick your nose in where it doesn't belong. He was my man sworn by blood. And, I have the right to get rid of my own men.

The words in the paper almost sounded too poetic to Dean. He knew better than the writer of the note. Even if the writer didn't tell him, he would still keep his distance from the Singaporean mob. It was not that he did not dare to put up the fight. But he saw no reason to act up on the behalf of Richard Chu when they had nothing related. Dean crushed the paper in his right hand before he turned to leave the scene. 

The death of Richard Chu was what he had always wanted. Now that the old man died in someone else's hand, Dean felt his stomach stir in a bit of unsettlement. There was no satisfaction or regret. It felt numb to him. It felt like he lost nothing. There was no empathy if it was solely regarding his emotion. However, that anxiousness and uneasiness inside Dean were all because of that man's daughter. What would her reaction be if she ever finds out? Dean had a chance of saving her father, but he chose not to. Or, may he could have tried to save Richard from getting killed though he doubted that the old man would last for a long time. Especially when the opponent was a mafia group like that of the Singaporeans, the ruthless, and cold-blooded species.

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