Chapter 48

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Meanwhile, Dean was busy kissing his woman, he heard a familiar voice called his name. His brows furrowed. He turned his head, to where the sound was coming from, to see Giselle. His hand withdrew slowly from that model's ass as he took a step backward. He didn't expect to encounter her in this motel. Was she following him? What was she even doing in a motel in the middle of the night? He thought. He chose this motel for a reason with the hope of escaping from the sight of paparazzi. He didn't give a fuck if it was him who made it to the front cover but the model that he had been going out with wished to not want any scandals. But out of anyone... why would it has to be her.

Although his anger towards her and her father had not been subsided, Dean still wanted to keep her safe. To him, it was the last thing that he could do, to return her kindness, for what she had done for him in the hospital. Ever since that day, he swore to himself, that if he ever meets her again, she would be no more than just a stranger. If he didn't leave her, his father would not let Giselle go either. It wasn't that he cared. He was just not wanting more blood trailing after him. 

All of this month, Dean had been trying to prove to his father that he had nothing with Richard's daughter. He promised Bowen that he would be the one to destroy Richard Chu's life as long as he promised to not hurt anyone else. When Dean found out that his men had been reporting his actions back to Bowen Winchester, Dean started to go out with random girls, just to put up a show in front of his father's eyes. It had been a month, he thought his feeling for his enemy's daughter had already disappeared. Until today, he came to realize, that his heart was still beating for her. He knew that it wouldn't do him any good. He hated how seeing her face reminded him of all the good and bad memories they've shared. He felt yearned for more. Regardless of how wrong it felt, he couldn't resist that mesmerizing emotion which fluttered inside his chest, making his heart beat so impulsively.

Fuck. Why her? He clenched his teeth slightly, wishing to pull Giselle into a broken bone type of hug at the same time that he wanted nothing rather than to strangle her. She should be taking responsibility of what the hell had happened to him. Her father's words were still fresh inside Dean's head. And it triggered every nerve fibers of his to break every part of her.

Dean Winchester stared her up and down before he replied, "I'm sorry?" His arm raised to wrap around that model's waist and then drew her closer to his body. He couldn't help, but to show Giselle that he had already forgotten her. Apart from him wanted to make her feel jealous and regret of what she had done towards him. Maybe jealous wasn't the right word. He wanted her to feel unhappy, sad, upset, and disappointed. But, judging from the look in her eyes, Dean couldn't tell what emotions were flooding through her mind.

He wanted to yell and ask her a million questions about why she did what she did to him. She'd let her father imprisoned him. It'd hurt him more than anything to just see her stood and watched him, got dragged out by her father. That feeling of hatred started to resurface itself, as Dean clenched his teeth.

"Were you talking to me?" He asked with a fake puzzling look.

Giselle's eyes glanced at his hand that was holding onto another woman. There was a lot of problems in which she had been dealing with already. How come she had to face this situation too? She had been waiting for him and wished that he'd be alright every day. She had been worried and desperately wanted to see him, to explain herself, but this situation, that she was facing, had left her speechless. All along this time, she had been feeling upset and down, while he had been living his life carefreely. At least that was what she was witnessing right now.

Based on how he had responded to her, she felt like he had already moved on, for good. She was glad though that his life was well and freed, and not in the prison. But her guilt of her own father's sins left her unsettled. It felt wrong to just stand in front of Dean. She wasn't sure whether to apologize or let him go as he wished himself to be. The way he looked at her was as if she was a stranger. What she knew was that it was impossible, for him to forget her, because she was the daughter of a man he hated. He should'd be holding grudges and hatred towards her. And she should be his solely enemy, the one in which would be hard to erase. She felt her heart was breaking into pieces when he was hugging someone else. But that was so so wrong to feel when they shared nothing in between. They were neither friends or lovers. And yet there it was, the mixed emotions of how to face him and act in front of him.

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