Chapter 25

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Kicking his penthouse door open, Dean rushed inside with anger. Ivan and Leo were running after their boss, but they got yelled at, "I want to be alone!" Dean's voice was aggressive, followed by his piercing gaze that was sharp like a knife.

Ivan and Leo wasted no time to exit the room and locked the door for their boss.

Dean took his blazer off and threw them onto the floor at the same time he kicked his black leather loafers off. He loosened his necktie before he unbuttoned the first two buttons of his white shirt in a rush.

His flaming eyes caught the image of his mother in a frame hanging on the wall. Dean wasted no time making his way towards it. 

Taking the frame off of the wall, he glared at his mother's image and then mumbled underneath his breath, through his gritted teeth. "Are you happy now, knowing that your boyfriend ditched you, to just marry another woman? He even has two daughters."

He laughed a little before he clenched his teeth in a mocking manner. "Out of everyone, it has to be that woman," Dean whispered in a sad tone of voice when the picture of Giselle popped up in his head. "Mother... You are already dead. I really don't understand why you won't let me go!"

Dean raised his mother's frame up in the air and then smash it onto the floor inside his bedroom with full force. The glass shattered into small pieces on the cold marble floor. 

I really don't understand. She is already dead, yet she never fails to make my world feel so small. Anyone could've born to be that bastard's daughter. But, why does it have to be that stupid nurse?  

Dean thought at the same time he shoved his hair with one hand. I hate her. The way she looked at me and the words that she said to me was as if I had killed her people. I wished I never know her!

Heaving out a loud sigh in anger, he walked over the pieces of sharp broken glasses to sit on his bed. His father's voice started to replay in his head as a violent headache took over him.

'Now I am giving you two choices. One, you get rid of him in your own way. Two, I will get rid of him in my own way, even if it is to kill his whole family.'

Dean pressed his temple with two fingers as he tried to calm himself down. He sat there quietly for a few minutes. He glanced at his feet to see blood was staining his white socks.

Ignoring the pain from his feet, Dean got up to get the pain killer from his nightstand. He took two pills out and then carried them in his hand before he made his way out of the room towards the kitchen.

He opened up the fridge and then took out a water bottle to drink. Sighing out loud, he swallowed down the two pellets. 

Dean removed his shirt and the loosen necktie off from him as he made his way towards his workout room. After putting on his boxing gloves, he started to punch and kick the sandbag to release his anger.

His bare torso and forehead were soaking wet with his sweat by the time he was done. For a second, he stood still, losing in his own deep thought. As the image of Giselle displayed in his head, he turned instantly to kick the sandbag, with full force, caused the sandbag to flew off onto the ground. He bit his bottom lip to hold back his madness, then threw his boxing gloves aggressively onto the floor. 

A few days later, Dean Winchester got invited out to a charity auction event that would happen in the following weekend. He stood in his quiet office while his eyes were staring at the white cobra snake in the glass tank. 

His brows were furrowed in irritation as he lost in his own thought again. Knowing that Richard Chu would be at this event, Dean thought that he should at least do something in order to start his plan. He debated among himself whether he should make Richard bastard lose everything or it would be better if that bastard should just lose his life.

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