Chapter 45

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Dean froze in one spot at the doorway. His eyes glared deadly at Richard Chu, who was making his way towards him. Dean found himself speechless as both of his hands were getting handcuffed forcefully by a man he hated. "What's happening?" Giselle asked from the back of him. She didn't understand why he suddenly paused at the doorway. She made her way into the room quickly before she came to a stop. "Dad?" Her eyes widened when she saw her father was handcuffing Dean.

"Giselle? What are you doing here?" Her father asked with a surprising tone of voice. His eyes shifted to look up at Dean as he clenched his teeth. He didn't expect that this man and his daughter would have become this close to each other. "What are you doing to my daughter?" He asked in a dangerous voice at the same time he pulled Dean up by his shirt.

When Richard's hand accidentally hits his wound, Dean groaned in his throat a little. Giselle rushed in to pull her father's arms away as she raised her voice, "Dad, stop! Do not touch him." Her father pushed her away when she tried to protect the son of Bowen Winchester. She stumbled aside before she tripped with her own feet.

Dean glanced at Giselle. He didn't say anything besides standing there in confusion. He didn't get why everything had ended up like this. He wasn't the one to kill Ivan and Leo, but why was it him that was getting arrested? Was it his father doing? Why would his father choose to do such a thing? His father had never get along with Richard Chu either. There shouldn't be a reason for a father to imprison his son, right? Dean questioned himself quietly as his feeling started to get mixed up.

"Mr. Dean Winchester, you are coming with us. We have a lot to interrogate you." Richard Chu said before he turned to give order to the other four police officers. "Let's go."

Dean, who was puzzling, started to doubt Giselle. He thought that everything was going to go back to normal. He thought that when he forgave her father, as she had told him, everything would get better. He took a deep breath as he got pushed to walk by Richard Chu. "Dean," Giselle called his name from behind while the sound of her footsteps echoed the room. "Let him go," She begged at the same time she ran after them to the hallway breathlessly. "Father, please."

Dean bit his teeth as he told himself to not believe what he was seeing and hearing. When he paused to glare at her, he got shoved with full strength into the elevator by Richard again. As he turned back one more time, he caught sight of Giselle was struggling to get into the elevator after him. Her father grabbed her arm and scolded her heartlessly, "Go back, Giselle. Don't be stubborn and listen to me." Her father quickly went into the elevator before he pressed the lobby floor button. As the elevator door slid shut, Dean glared deadly at Giselle for one last time.

He closed his hands into fists and then dug his nails into the palm of his hands. He wanted to recall his old ruthless self back. He wanted to remember this feeling because it was no different than getting stabbed in the back by a person, who he thought was valuable to him. He felt like his heart was torn and sliced into pieces. All of the good memories and feelings, which he had with her, began to disappear. Everything in his mind and heart became clouded and flooded with questions.

In a dark interrogation room, Dean sat silently on a cold chair. He stared emotionlessly at Richard Chu, who was sitting across from him. "You have the right to remain silent." Richard said in a serious voice as he continued, "We found your blood on the rooftop of the hospital. Do you have anything to explain?" Dean didn't reply. He felt like his answer wouldn't matter anyway. Why would anyone ask such a question, when they knew that they are not going to believe it in the end? A couple of seconds had passed, and there was no answer. Richard nodded his head a few times and proceeded on talking, "We've also found this gun underneath your pillow, Mr. Dean Winchester. If you are just going to sit here quietly, I am afraid that you will be found guilty."

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