Chapter 44

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The following day, Dean found himself stood quietly by the window. He stared down blankly at the crowded streets. There were so many things going on inside of his head. He didn't know what he could do to stop his father. He had to find a way as soon as possible because he knew that a person like Bowen Winchester would never leave him alone that easily. He sighed out loud as he turned around to lean his back against the glass window. He closed his eyes slowly at the same time he crossed his arm.

I have to do something to protect the lives of the workers in this hospital before I leave. What can I do? I am running out of time. Dean thought as his brows began to furrow.

All of a sudden, a few knocks were coming from the door. His eyes shot wide open as he expected the person to be Giselle. The corner of his lip curved up into a small smile at the thought of seeing her. He took a few steps forward to see a strange young woman in her twenties. His smile disappeared at the same time he paused in his step. The young woman, with a frowned face, made her way into the room and then asked softly, "Are you Mr. Dean Winchester, the owner of The Cobra's casino?"

He lifted one of his brows a little in surprise, that she knew his identity. He nodded as he responded in an unsure tone of voice, "Yes? And, you?" He narrowed his eyes at her when she avoided his gaze.

"I am... Ivan's girlfriend. I hope you still remember who I am talking about, right?" She said weakly.

Dean blinked once in shock. He didn't expect that Ivan's girlfriend would be able to find him here. Based on her reaction, he knew immediately of the reason why she came. He nodded his head at her as he replied softly, "Yes. Have a seat first." He made his way passing by her to sit on the sofa. He watched as she took a seat across from him. For a second, Dean thought that it was her makeup that was twinkling, but it turned out to ber her tears. He bit his lips as he waited for her to say something. Meanwhile, glancing down, he pulled out a napkin from a box to hand it to her.

She took the napkin slowly to wipe her tears before she said in a trembling voice, "I just saw the news last night... that my Ivan got shot to death." She paused to sob loudly.

Dean felt sorry for her. He wasn't sure what to say besides staying quiet for a couple of seconds. He licked his dry lips and then decided to get up and make his way to sit next to her. He placed one of his hands onto her shoulder gently as he tried to calm her down.

She continued breathlessly and said, "I know that he works under you, but I don't know anything else about him. He had never told me anything about his job. Can you please... help explain to me? I don't want to just assume... because I know that you are a good person. Ivan had always told me that you are a good boss to him, but... this is too much. Why did he even get shot? I don't understand."

Dean swallowed hard as he struggled to find the answer to her question. He bit his teeth when he felt guilty that he was the reason for Ivan's death. If only he didn't shield Dean with his body, Ivan wouldn't have died either. Dean wrinkled his brows as he blamed himself.

It was all my fault that my two good men died. I was a bastard to bring an unfortunate fate to everyone's life. The one that deserved to die was me, and not them. They didn't deserve to leave when they have someone who loved and cared for them so much. Why a loner like me didn't die? Why is it always be the one with a happy life and family?

Dean shifted his gaze down onto the floor as his eyes started to get warmer. He held his breath as he apologized in a low sounded voice, "I'm sorry." His words caused Ivan's girlfriend to cry even harder. He didn't know what to do to comfort her. All he could think of at that moment was to make a promise to Ivan and Leo. He wanted to be the one to take care of his men's family and keep them happy in place of his men. Since they had given up their lives for him, Dean thought that he too should give up his own lives to protect them and make them happy again.

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